Good Questions For The End of Interviews

So you’re at the end of an interview, and the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” You might be tempted to simply say, “none.” But asking questions at the end of an interview may actually be a good idea. It can help clear up any confusion and show them that you are interested in the position. Save yourself some time from thinking of questions with the list of good end of interview questions in this article.

We’ve gathered some smart questions you can ask to make a good impression. They will surely leave the interviewer feeling like you’re a good fit for the job. Try them out on your next interview!

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Tips for Asking End-of-Interview Questions

Before we head into the list of questions, let’s first look at a few tips you should remember for asking end of interview questions:

Don’t Ask Too Many Questions

You want to avoid bombarding your interviewer with too many questions. There is no ideal number of questions you can ask. But generally, two to three questions should be enough to get the information you need. Try to read the room and check for cues your interviewer gives you about how ready they are to end the interview.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

You won’t be able to get enough valuable information from simple yes-or-no questions. Try to avoid them and switch to asking open-ended questions where the interviewer can elaborate on the answer.

Don’t Ask Obvious Questions

Asking obvious questions can do the exact opposite of impressing the interviewer. Avoid this at all costs. Also, don’t ask questions about things they’ve already discussed. They may get the impression that you weren’t listening.

Good End of Interview Questions

The role and expectations of the position

You want to know about the role as much as you can so you can better prepare for it. And these questions can help you do that. They will also let the interviewer see your willingness to learn and grow in this new job.

  • Could you tell me why this position has been created?
  • What would a typical day look like in this role?
  • Is there any flexibility in scheduling, or is it always Monday-Friday, 9-5? 
  • What three qualities do you believe would make someone shine in this role?
  • What are the typical hours of work? 
  • How long would you expect someone to be up and running in this position?
  • What are some of the challenges that I may encounter in this role? 

Leadership style

Asking about the leadership style of the company or manager can help you see if the position will be a good match for you. It will also give you an idea of whether the company values stability and long-term relationships with its employees.

  • How would you describe the leadership style of the company?
  • What are you usually doing when a staff member comes to you with a problem?
  • How does the team typically like to delegate tasks?
  • Do you have any methods of monitoring the performance of individual team members?
  • What should I know about you as a leader?

The people you’ll be working with

Hiring managers won’t go into detail about everyone, but they may share basic information about who you’ll be working with. Try to ask about things like your colleagues, managers, team size, and company structure.

  • Can you tell me more about the people I will work with?
  • Will I be assigned to a small or large team?
  • Do any of them have a reputation for being difficult to work with? 
  • Who would I report directly to, and how often am I expected to meet them?
  • How would you describe the dynamics of the team I will work with?
  • Do you have someone on the team who would serve as my mentor for the first few months?

Company culture

You may know these answers after researching the company, but ask them anyway and carefully listen if you might have missed anything. Some of the things you can ask about are employee incentives, company-paid employee development programs, and so on.

  • What are the things you enjoy most about working here?
  • What would your team say is the most challenging part of working here?
  • Can you tell me more about what the workplace culture in this company is like?
  • What are the company’s expectations of employees?
  • How do you determine if someone is an excellent cultural fit for your company?
  • What do you think motivates people to stay at this company?

Next steps

Try to ask about what happens next after the interview. This will guide you on your steps to move forward with the company.

Getting to know the future goals of the company you’re applying for is also essential. It can inform your future decisions down the road and let the interviewer know you’re in it for the long haul.

  • What will the company’s strategic plan look like in 12 months, and what impacts will it have on this role?
  • What are the next steps after the interview process?
  • Could you tell me a timeline for making a decision and when I could expect to hear from you?
  • Do you need anything more from me to help you come to a decision?
  • Is there anything we haven’t discussed that is important for me to know about working here?


Asking good end of interview questions can help you leave a good and positive impression. It can let them know how interested you are in the position and what you’re looking for in terms of career growth.

Be prepared to ask thoughtful questions with a focus on previous careers, tasks, and what you can do to help the company succeed. These can help you end your next interview on a high note. Good luck!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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