Unbiased Questions Examples: The Ultimate Guide

Neutrality should be a primary goal of every customer satisfaction survey. Even though the truth can be painful, it is crucial to know what your customers think about your product.

Asking unbiased survey questions will help you dig deep into what is really driving your customers toward or away from your product or service. Knowing your customers’ honest viewpoints is best, which is why we have provided unbiased questions examples to help you develop the best survey questions.

Asking the right questions in the appropriate ways can help you better understand how your customers feel about your product or service. Biased questions can cloud the genuine opinions of customers. And yield skewed information that you will not be able to use in developing maximum satisfaction from your product.

It is best to ask honest, unbiased questions which will give you the information you need to improve your product or service! Let’s see some examples of unbiased questions in this guide.

Biased Vs. Unbiased Questions 

Biased survey questions use word choice and sentence structure in a way that affects how respondents react. It usually happens as a result of inadequate survey design and evaluation.

Biased survey questions have significant business repercussions. They sabotage the customer’s ability to speak their truth and invariably produce unpredictable outcomes. Decisions made by organizations based on this data run the genuine risk of being poor. 

On the other hand, unbiased survey questions enable confident and knowledgeable business decisions. These questions avoid leading language and are fact-based rather than judgmental. You can reach many users unfamiliar with your product, service, or business when you use the appropriate neutral research questions. 

You must pose honest inquiries to receive honest responses. Make your questions as impartial as possible to ensure that your survey results are reliable. Consider whether it is equally easy for your respondent to agree or disagree, and be careful not to imply a right or preferred response.

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Importance of Unbiased Questions

Implementing unbiased questions examples, and approaches will offer you the edge and help distinguish you from the competition. Testing your product through user research to determine whether it will suit a customer’s demands are essential for success.

User research is based on experimentation. It is a continuous process that may require numerous iterations of revision. It aims to evaluate your interface’s usability, user-friendliness, and ability to fulfill its intended function. Using unbiased survey questions for user research, you’ll gain priceless insight based on direct input and user engagement.

After designing your product or service, you must make it available to the public or, at the very least, a select group of users. How else will you be able to tell if it lives up to user expectations? The finest designs are simple and user-centered. Focusing on the end-user you’re designing for, is aided by creating unbiased survey questions for user research.

Tips for Asking Unbiased Questions

  • Request that your users express their inner ideas and feelings as they interact with your product or service.
  • Establish a realistic setting where distractions are still present.
  • Take formal and unstructured notes about everything you see, hear, and the time users spend on a task.
  • Be sure to capture the session on tape.
  • Refrain from describing or identifying certain buttons, features, or concepts.
  • Don’t direct or aid the participant as they complete the activity.
  • Keep an open mind and refrain from concluding too quickly.
  • Do not use leading words.
  • Ask one question at a time.
  • Pose fact-based inquiries.

Unbiased Questions Examples

1. Avoid leading words

Most frequently, survey questions are structured with positive or negative bias. Leading words guide the user toward an answer that supports a bias. When you ask users how much they enjoy something, it suggests that they should respond favorably. For instance, users may respond more favorably when asked, “How much did you appreciate or enjoy the app?”

Posing a question that is either positive or negative with a statistic that supports its popularity drives people to agree with the majority. If you’re looking for honest answers from your customer research, consider framing questions with more neutral language. 

Eliminate leading words and construct queries as impartially as feasible. Consider the unbiased question examples below:

  • Please rate the app on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst.
  • Should consumers be able to prevent data tracking?

2. Avoid assumptions

Project team members and designers that work together are particularly prone to making assumptions. This can relate to a user’s interaction with an app, or the features useful to a specific user type.

Questions frequently contain assumptions without our awareness. If you were to ask someone, “Are you in favor of allowing kids to use their mobile devices in the classroom?” This suggests that pupils desire to use their smartphones in class.

Structure your inquiries around facts rather than making assumptions when you ask them. Consider the examples below:

  • Use: Which variety of chips do you prefer? Instead of: Is salt and vinegar your favorite chip flavor?
  • Use: What do you think of companies closing on Sundays? Instead of: Is it acceptable to close companies on Sundays if most people agree?
  • Use: What activities do you enjoy on the weekends? Instead of: What are your favorite places to go for drinks?

3. Test one thing at a time

It’s tempting to pose inquiries that cover several different topics. However, it’s crucial to avoid asking questions that allow one answer while testing various features.

Users usually pay attention to just one aspect of the subject, making this form of question ineffective. So, ask questions focusing on just one aspect of your project, design, or service at a time.


Your results will be impacted and skewed if the questions you use in your user research are biased. When conducting user research, ask unbiased survey questions to avoid making assumptions and to provide users with a chance to provide honest feedback.

Simplicity, consistency, and impartiality are the keys to formulating or asking unbiased questions for user research. It can be tempting to focus on particulars, such as which hue is friendlier and more enjoyable. But keep it simple and avoid making assumptions or asking leading questions.

Using objective questions, you’ll get a ton of insightful feedback that will immediately influence your design, product, or service. A design’s success or failure may depend on the unbiased feedback you receive from actual consumers!

Check out the examples of unbiased questions in this guide for the best access to objective feedback and honest opinions. 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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