Winning Intro Examples For Article Reviews

Writing an article review is a great way to analyze and evaluate the work of other experts in your field. It is typically done to demonstrate clarity, originality, and how significant a certain article’s contribution is. As with most pieces of writing, your introduction is a critical element for an article review. It can be beneficial to refer to an example introduction for article review to help you make a winning intro.

This article has gathered some great introduction examples you can refer to. We’ve also listed some great tips to help you get started on your article.

Your introduction is often the determining factor in whether or not someone will be interested in reading your article. It needs to capture your audience’s attention immediately and state the purpose of your review.

What Is an Article Review?

An article review is a piece of writing that summarises and assesses someone else’s article. It aims to understand the central theme, supporting arguments, and implications of an article for future research.

There are specific guidelines and formats that an article review has to abide by. Reviews can either be critical, literature-based, or both. Literature reviews cover broad topics, while critical reviews focus on specific texts.

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Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

The Significance of Article Reviews

Article reviews are often required for school writing assignments. But scholars or students can also use it outside the educational system to conduct preliminary research before writing a paper. An article review can help you with:

  • Clarifying questions
  • See other people’s thoughts and perspectives regarding current issues.
  • Correct grammar errors and sentence structure.
  • Get out of personal biases after reading various reviews
  • Improve grammar as well as writing skills
  • Provide suggestions or criticism on the article for future research.

How to Start an Article Review

Your introduction in an article review is of the utmost importance. Before you begin writing, you should first outline your assignment. You can also use an article review template to organize your thoughts. Here are some things your intro should accomplish:

  • Introduce the article and the thesis you will be reviewing.
  • Establish the significance of the study.
  • Summarize the main points of the article.
  • Present the positive aspects and facts contained in the article.
  • Mention knowledge gaps, contradictions, disparities in the text, and unanswered questions in the publication.

In journals, an introduction usually takes up one paragraph, but in longer book reviews, it can take two or three paragraphs.

Include a few opening sentences that explain the subject of the text and introduce the author. Present the main finding or key argument and describe the aim of the text. After this, make a brief statement about your evaluation of the text in your introduction. 

Example Introduction for Article Review

Example 1:

As Olsen (2015) states, grasping mathematics concepts is not something that happens spontaneously or independently. To improve one’s mathematics proficiency, one must appropriately use mental math to enhance their knowledge. Olsen (2015) suggests increasing a student’s mental abilities is possible.

Example 2:

George Hammond’s book “The Role of God” was first published in the opinion magazine Grass over Grass. It is ambitious in its primary focus being a perception of infinity. Hammond points out that God cannot be seen in its pure form. This cancels out a specific role since we cannot get acquainted with it physically. According to the author, “the roleless God has a role in our lives.” It causes us to look deeply at nothingness, mystery, and what we cannot explain.” (Hammond 56).

Example 3:

The growth of technology has had a huge effect on the political ratings that candidates achieve. The article, Impact of Technology on Politics by Housley explores how technology and politics interrelate. And it also analyzes what consequences they have.

There are many ways political candidates use technology. Different communication channels have the power to influence the growth of individuals in their respective political spheres. The likes of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are powerful platforms that can easily increase the ratings of political candidates. According to Housley, technology is a decisive factor in politics, regardless of whether we recognize it. 


Article reviews analyze and evaluate a body of written text. Its goal is to pull out a certain theme that the author is trying to convey, interpret the text, and synthesize your findings.

A review stands out with specific use of language and clear articulation of observations and conclusions. For this reason, reviewing an article or book can be an exercise in analytical writing. And it may prepare you for your future in various careers, from teaching to business writing. So start your article review right by referring to an example introduction for article review.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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