Global Warming Introduction for Essay

Global warming is the increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the greenhouse effect.

Some gases in the atmosphere work like the glass in a greenhouse. They let the sun heat the earth’s surface but keep the heat from escaping back into space.

As the greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere, the Earth gets hotter. This process leads to a rapid change in climate, also known as climate change.

people gathered outside buildings holding Climate Justice Now signage
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Reasons for Climate Change

In addition to an assortment of other environmental problems, global warming is a significant concern in its own right. Changes to many species are attributable to global warming. Both “natural” and “human effects” contribute to global warming.

Typical Natural Factors Contributing to Global Warming

Despite millennia of evidence to the contrary, climate change persists. Natural solar rotation causes variations in solar intensity and planetary proximity, which contribute to global warming.

Greenhouse gases are a contributor to the warming of the planet. Carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are greenhouse gases because they hinder heat from the sun from escaping to space. Because of this, global temperatures have risen.

The emission of volcanic gases also contributes to global warming. A single volcanic eruption, for instance, can contribute significantly to atmospheric carbon dioxide and ash levels.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, trapping solar heat and rising global temperatures.

Finally, another problem that contributes to global warming is methane. Greenhouse gases include methane. Methane is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Often, methane gas will seep out of various cracks and crevices. Cattle, garbage dumps, natural gas, petroleum pipelines, coal mines, car explosions, and industrial waste processing are just a few potential sources.

Effects of Human Activity on Climate Change

Because humans do not care for Earth, their impact has become a significant problem. The percentage of global warming attributable to human activities is far higher than the percentage attributable to natural phenomena.

Human activity has significantly contributed to Earth’s ever-shifting surface for centuries. Industrial production, fossil fuel combustion, mining, cattle raising, and deforestation are all examples of human-caused environmental damage.

The advent of the industrial age is the primary problem. Fossil fuels traditionally power machines in the industrial sector. Every single thing we use now requires some form of fossil fuel.

When we buy a cell phone, it is probably made using fossil fuels and carbon dioxide.

Automobiles and other modes of transportation also contribute to pollution by generating carbon dioxide as they burn fuel.

The problem of mining is also essential. Mining will cause the methane to become trapped at depth. The manure that cattle produces is a primary source of methane, hence raising cattle is a significant contributor to the problem. Cattle are just as guilty as fossil fuels in the onset of global warming.

Destruction of natural habitats is another widespread problem. Humans have been cutting down trees for wood, paper, and other things for hundreds of years.

Deforestation causes a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because trees remove CO2 from the air. Respiration also results in carbon dioxide emissions.

Millions of people’s breathing have released large quantities of carbon dioxide into the air. Deforestation ensures that the carbon dioxide produced by human breath remains in the atmosphere.

Impact of Global Warming

Greenhouse gases have been present in the atmosphere for hundreds of years and will remain there very long. But the consequences of global warming for Earth are catastrophic.

If global warming persists, it will have several consequences down the line. The melting of the polar ice caps has several potential adverse outcomes, such as monetary repercussions, increased hurricane activity, disease transmission, and earthquakes.

The first effect is the melting of the polar ice caps. Northern Hemisphere ice will melt as global temperatures rise. Since glaciers that completely melt become oceans, rising sea levels will be the first noticeable effect.

The National Snow and Ice Data Center estimate a 230-foot sea level increase “if the ice melted today.” Many low-lying countries, including the Netherlands, are impacted.

When the North Pole finally melts, the Netherlands will always be underwater. The water level is expected to rise gradually over time.

The destruction of natural habitats is another consequence. Polar bears and tropical frogs are only two of the many species that will go extinct due to global warming.

Also, because animals are not the same as people, different birds fly to other locations. They cannot adjust to the new environment, which requires a higher maintenance and temperature level.

The subsequent effect will be an increase in the frequency of hurricanes, and the economic fallout will continue to be seen. Storms destroy or seriously damage homes, costing billions to restore and leaving many survivors homeless or dead.

A tragedy can cause countless deaths and diseases. A disease’s severity increases with its transmission rate, the number of afflicted people, and the likelihood of bad weather.

Responses to the Problem of Global Warming

As of right now, we have the means to combat global warming. However, humans and governments must move on with plans to address global warming. We can help slow global warming by releasing fewer greenhouse gases into the air.

Reduced use of gasoline and electricity, as well as other human activities that contribute to global warming, are critical solutions.

One option for those looking to cut back on our gas bills is to purchase a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle. In addition, gas prices continue to rise.

Daily commuters who drive use three times as much gas and emit twice as much CO2.

A second approach to save gas is to use public transportation or a carpool to go to work. It has the potential to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and cut costs.

Recycling is another approach to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Reusing materials like plastic, glass, paper, and aluminum can significantly reduce waste.

For instance, we can avoid using disposable plastic bags by bringing our containers to the grocery store. For example, water bottles can be reused or recycled once emptied.

By recycling and reusing everything, people can help save forests and the planet. Additionally, unplug appliances when not in use. You may save money and help the environment by purchasing energy-efficient products.

Last but not least, people should quit engaging in open burning, such as burning dry leaves or trash. If rubbish containing plastic is burnt, harmful gases and carbon dioxide are released.

And with the planet’s temperature rising, governments must take measures to curb deforestation. The presence of trees will have a positive effect on global warming.

Final Words

As a whole, this task has shown me that our planet is in bad health. The Earth needs to be “healed” by humanity. We, humans, have caused many of the problems that have arisen due to global warming.

Due to disease or tragedy, many lives have been lost, and the country’s economy has suffered. Instead of contributing to a rise in global temperatures, we should do all we can to mitigate it. Cutting back on our gasoline consumption, increasing our recycling efforts, and reusing materials whenever possible.

Subsequent generations will be negatively impacted by our failure to mitigate global warming, so we must now begin caring for the planet.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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