The COVID-19 pandemic health crisis shook the world in an unexpected way. It is the first pandemic that we saw on this scale, an it had unprecedented effects on the world economy as a whole. As such, it is an extremely popular topic to write essays on these times.
Now you might me a student or an academic writing an essay on coronavirus. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good introduction for coronavirus essay, you’ve landed in the correct post!
Keep reading to see some examples of introduction for coronavirus essay that we’ve compiled.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on all of us. Nevertheless, the ramifications of the pandemic and its repercussions vary according to our status as individuals and as society’s constituents.
Some people try to adjust to working online, homeschooling their kids, and using Instacart to order food. On the other hand, others are forced to be exposed to the virus in order to maintain society. Our social standing and the societal groups to which we belong, and consequently our susceptibility to epidemics, are influenced by our various societal identities.
We can convert needs and societal problems into rights by applying a human rights lens to this analysis. This helps us concentrate on the larger sociopolitical structural context as the root cause of the societal problems.
Human rights emphasize the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, who are the main benefactors of rights. Governments (and other societal actors like businesses) have a responsibility to uphold, defend, and uphold human rights because they are the duty-bearers in society.
Human rights are inextricably linked to the societal contexts in which they are acknowledged, asserted, upheld, and realized. In particular, societal rights, which include the right to health, can help people become better citizens. Not only that, but enable them to participate more actively in society.
Such comprehension of societal rights draws our focus to the idea of equality, which necessitates that we emphasize “solidarity” and the “collective” more. Furthermore, the realization of societal rights is vital for fostering equality, solidarity, and societal integration.
Societal policies must demonstrate a commitment to respect and protect the most vulnerable people. And they should encourage the realization of everyone’s economic and societal rights in order to achieve societal integration.
COVID-19 Intro Example #2
The World Health Organization (WHO) contacted China on December 31, 2019, regarding media reports of a cluster of viral cases of pneumonia in Wuhan. These were subsequently linked to a coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2. The virus was deemed a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by January 30, 2020. This is the highest alarm the organization can issue. After another 30 days, the pandemic was well underway. The coronavirus had infected people in over 70 nations and territories across six continents. About 9,000 COVID-19 cases had been officially confirmed worldwide.
The coronavirus’s rapid growth, its horrific death toll, and economic damage have exposed a lack of intra-national cooperation. It shows a breakdown in national norm compliance. And a patchwork of incomplete and poorly managed responses on both the global and domestic levels of the United States. This pandemic has shown how challenging it is to contain spreading outbreaks in an escalating geopolitical rivalry abroad and fierce domestic partisanship.
Threats from infectious diseases have no national boundaries, and everywhere is at risk from dangerous pathogens that spread unchecked. The effects of poor planning and execution are abundantly clear as the pandemic spreads throughout the world and the United States. Numerous commissions emphasizing the danger of global pandemics and international preparation for their inevitable occurrence for decades. However, neither the United States nor the more extensive international system was prepared to carry out those preparations and respond to a severe pandemic. Consequently, the worst global catastrophe since World War II has occurred.
COVID-19 Intro Example #3
Pandemics of infectious diseases, such as SARS and COVID-19, necessitate changes in intrapersonal behavior and pose challenging problems for health. A pandemic of an airborne illness easily transmitted through interpersonal contact threatens interpersonal relationships by fundamentally changing how people interact. This paper examines how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted relational mechanisms essential for health and well-being. We do this by drawing on theories of societal relationships. Relational mechanisms are the interactions between individuals that affect how health outcomes change.
Without much time to spare, the initial UK response to COVID-19 was reactive and focused on lowering mortality. The government gave little thought given to the societal ramifications, including those for interpersonal and communal relationships. The phrase “societal distancing” quickly spread throughout public and policy discourse. It was unfortunate to equate physical distance with societal distance. Such as conversations had while walking outside, carry little risk but are essential to maintaining relationships that promote health and well-being.
This essay aims to examine how the pandemic and its restrictions affected four important relational mechanisms—societal networks, societal support, societal interaction, and intimacy—. Making three important recommendations—one for health responses and two for societal recovery. These are based on relational theories and recent research on the COVID-19 pandemic response. Our comprehension of these mechanisms is based on a “systems” perspective that views societal interactions as interdependent parts of a larger, interconnected whole.
COVID-19 Intro Example #4
Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a shocking death toll and now threatens food systems, public health, and the workplace like never before. The pandemic has had a devastating ramification on society and the economy. Tens of millions of people could end up living in extreme poverty. The estimated 690 million undernourished people could increase to 132 million by the end of the year.
Many companies could go out of business. Nearly half of the 3.3 billion workers globally face threats to their livelihoods. Most workers in the informal economy are especially vulnerable. Why? Because they lack social protection, have little access to exceptional-quality healthcare, and no longer have access to productive assets. Due to a lack of resources, many people cannot support themselves and their families during lockdowns. Most people find that going without food results in less unhealthy eating or, at worst, no eating.
Countries presently dealing with humanitarian crises or emergencies are particularly vulnerable to the offshoot of COVID-19. Quick action in time is essential to combat the pandemic. It ensures that aid gets to those who need it most in humanitarian crises and recovery efforts.
It is now necessary for nations to work together and support one another. Especially those at risk in our societies and those who live in emerging and developing nations. By cooperating, we can only combat the pandemic’s intertwined health, societal, and economic implications. We can’t let it worsen into a protracted humanitarian and food security catastrophe. This could reverse the gains in development that have already been made.
COVID-19 Intro Example #5
COVID-19 was classified as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. This indicates a sizable global spread of an infectious disease. The coronavirus has been identified in 118,000 cases across 110 nations. South Korea, Iran, and Italy then experienced their own outbreaks in February after China experienced a significant outbreak in January. The virus quickly spread to all seven continents and more than 177 nations. When writing, the United States has the highest number of confirmed cases and, sadly, the highest number of fatalities. The most susceptible people, especially those older than 60 and those with underlying conditions, were killed by the virus. Because it was so contagious and spread quickly. There were worries that the virus would overwhelm regional healthcare systems. Why? Because the most severe cases resulted in many patients being admitted to intensive care units.
Countries closed their borders, prohibited travel to other nations, and started issuing orders for their citizens to stay at home. They also prohibited gatherings of more than ten people as the number of fatalities from the virus increased. The virus had no known cure or vaccine. Universities and schools have abandoned their physical locations in favor of online learning. The tourism industry collapsed, sporting events were postponed, airlines canceled flights, bars, restaurants, and theaters closed. Even more, plays were canceled, and businesses like manufacturing plants and retail stores went out of business. Employees have had the option of working remotely from home in some companies and sectors. However, in other cases, they also have experienced layoffs, furloughs, or reduced hours. It is now the time for cooperation in the global community to prevent further growth. The impact of the illness means we need aid from and to other countries to include in our budgets!
We hope our guide to COVID-19 intros were able to help you formulate your own. With the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and unrestricted travel, the effect of COVID-19 is reduced. But the COVID-19 outbreak still remains a popular topic. If you are still having problems coming up with an intro, why not try our unique intro generator! Our tool can assist you generate unique intros by utilizing AI technology. If you want to learn more, click the link and try our new tool today! This way, you can continue on with your paper, without being stuck in the intro!
In any case, if you have more questions about the introduction for coronavirus essay, let us know!
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