Show Unique Skills Using Job Search Keywords

In today’s hyper-competitive job market, job seekers must leverage everything they can to stand out from many fellow applicants. Job search keywords are only one of the tools that can help expedite the hiring process. If you want to learn how to use keywords to your advantage, read on.

This article will explain keywords, their importance in a job search, and how to use them. Let’s begin.

A window sign that reads
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

What are Keywords?

Keywords are words and phrases that aid search engines find relevant, high-quality content. They are the basis for the topic scope of a search query, and they help search engines filter out irrelevant content.

Recruiters use keywords to filter prospective candidates, allowing for a more targeted search and better leads. Keywords are a mainstay in any marketing campaign because they can be leveraged to attract traffic to a website.

The Importance of Keywords in a Job Search

Keywords are a quick and easy way to gauge the qualifications a company is looking for. Job applicants can use this to expedite their job search by helping them connect with potential employers for whom their skills are ideal.

Job searchers can add keywords to their documents, such as resumes and cover letters, to “rank” for that particular word. Moreover, many companies use an applicant tracking system to streamline recruiting and hiring. 

The software organizes applicant information and allows hiring managers to find applications that match their search parameters. This is especially important for companies that process hundreds of applications without reading resumes line by line.

Effective Ways to Use Job Search Keywords

Now that you understand how keywords work in a job search, it’s time to learn how to use them to your benefit. Below are a few keywords you can add to your application document and freelancer profile to attract potential employers and clients.

1. Field or Industry Buzzwords

Industry buzzwords are effective keywords because they embody what happens in a certain industry or field. Using buzzwords can give the impression that you are well-versed in a particular field. 

Your field and industry can narrow recruiter searches to find the applicant they need. 

For example, you can add keywords such as “litigation” or “qui tam lawsuit” to indicate your area of expertise.

2. Location

Location is vital to local SEO because it allows recruiters to find candidates within a specific locale. This will significantly aid recruiters in finding applicants from ideal locations. Include your location in your documents to take advantage of this.

3. Industry-Specific Jargon

These are useful for narrowing your search for specific positions. Jargon can indicate your area of expertise. You can even match this keyword with those found in the job description of a role you want.

4. Job Type

Job types are either full-time or part-time. Recruiters use these keywords to find applicants based on their availability. Using job type among your keywords will also help narrow recruiter searches.

The Bottom Line

The primary function of keywords is to provide search engines with a basis for determining the content to present to a user. Job applicants can leverage this by making it easy for recruiters and potential employers to find them. 

These are only a few keywords you can use to help ease the hiring process. Try to experiment to see what works for you. Best of luck!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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