How to Pick Unique SEO Focus Keywords

Have you ever wondered how Google identifies content most relevant to your search? How does it decide which content to prioritize based on a search query? The answer lies in a simple term. An SEO focus keyword is one of the most important factors determining a website’s ranking in Google search results. 

This article will explain everything you need to know about focus keywords. Let’s begin.

turned on Focus signage
Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash

What is an SEO Focus Keyword?

An SEO focus keyword or focus keyphrase is the main focus of your content. It serves as the basis for search engines to rank your page higher. Focus keywords are the primary representation of your content. It helps you focus on the main topic. They are easier to rank than less focused keywords, and they ensure you can beat your competition.

Focus Keywords vs. Keywords

Focus keywords should not be mistaken for keywords. While they may seem interchangeable, subtle differences distinguish their hierarchies.

On the one hand, keywords are interchangeable with topics, and they describe the common themes and concepts found in your content. 

On the other hand, focus keywords are the best representation of a topic. They are the main topic of your content. Search engines use focus keywords as a foundation to which they assign weight to your content. Focus keywords are always descriptive, use real, relevant search terms, provide context, and include valuable information.

Why is it Important?

Focus keywords are essential to digital marketers because they are one of the most effective ways to attract traffic to your website. Ranking for focus keywords helps you position yourself as the expert in that niche and get the biggest possible profits from those customers. 

You will have to ensure your on-page SEO is optimized to achieve this. You’ll need to include your focus keywords in various parts of your content. Your content is most likely to rank if it is unique, informative, and focused.

Steps for Using an SEO Focus Keyword

If you’re planning on ranking your content for a particular keyword, it’s important to follow these simple steps. They will outline the general steps involved in using SEO focus keywords.

Choose a Focus Keyword

There are three things you can use as the basis for finding the perfect focus keyword. A practical focus keyword must have:

  • Decent search volume → Are people interested in the topic?
  • Feasible keyword difficulty → Can you explain the topic well?
  • Matching search intent → Does your content type satisfy the purpose of the search?

In other words, a keyword must be popular, rankable, and relevant to searchers. These factors will ensure that your focus keyword satisfies users and search engines.

To determine these attributes, you need to conduct keyword research. Many online tools enable you to check the viability of a particular keyword.

Write Your Content

First things first, content quality is the apex of Google’s priorities because it has a direct impact on user experience. Ideally, you must have a focus keyword before writing your article to understand the search intent you’re trying to satisfy.

Learn to take as long as you need to write a quality article. Good articles that provide accurate information will satisfy the audience’s search needs. This will prompt the search engine to rank your page higher in search results.

Optimize Content

Content optimization refers to creating unique and useful copy that attracts the attention of a target audience on the web. This entails that writers must distribute their focus keyword throughout key content sections.

This helps Google find your focus keywords easily and rank your page accordingly.

The key areas to put keywords and phrases are:

  • Title Tag
  • Heading 
  • Body
  • Anchor Text

Find the Right Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to how often your focus keyword occurs in the content you create. Avoid keyword stuffing because it hurts your article’s quality and page ranking.

It’s just as bad when your focus keyword appears too scarcely on your content because Google may not understand the context of your content.

Try to emphasize your focus keyword and make sure it’s incorporated into your content seamlessly.

The Bottom Line

Keywords are integral to any digital marketing effort because they help users find relevant content and drive website traffic. Mastering focus keywords will help you target the right person with your content and create the desired effect. It’s a skill every marketer must learn to become competent at search engine optimization.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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