You’re interested in creating a music video, but you might also have trouble developing a concept. Don’t worry about anything right away! Just like it may be difficult to come up with ideas for other creative art forms like movies, novels, or TV series, it can be difficult to come up with ideas for music videos.
At first, it might seem overwhelming, but if you delve far enough, you’ll come up with a game-changing concept. If you’re new to the scene, you might be unsure precisely what music video production is and why it’s important.
Music videos are short films that use song and imagery to express a message to an audience artistically. A music video typically serves the purpose of promoting an artist and their song in order to boost sales and/or publicity. But in addition to aiding in the promotion of musicians, music videos can also be a great way for aspiring filmmakers to gain experience.
In today’s post, we will look at some great music video ideas that can give you ideas of your own!
Why You Should Make a Music Video?

Music video history’s heyday has passed. Even the country radio stations, which have persevered the longest, are changing their formats. MTV doesn’t play music videos as it used to. People are increasingly listening to their music on Spotify and Apple Music.
Despite this, YouTube continues to be the most widely used platform for online music listening. Using the video format, Instagram uses videos and stories, which are very popular.
Consequently, should you create a music video for each song you release? Some musicians still do, while others are experimenting with new methods of content release.
So, should you still keep creating music videos? It depends on the scenario. Yes, a music video can be unnecessary for some of your songs. However, you should make music videos for your hit tracks to capitalize on their success even more!
The experience provided by the music video is one that the recorded music cannot. The purpose of music videos is somewhat to achieve this. They are meant to give the listener a more in-depth musical experience, enhancing the music. It ought to improve both the music and the artist’s reputation.
Sure, you’ll get some views just for posting it, but it won’t have that “viral” appeal, and there may not be many people who watch it again. You want your music video to be a topic of conversation. A music video that the reviewers can talk about!
Great Music Video Ideas To Try Out!
Make Your Song Animated
The lyric version of the animated music video is the most well-liked variation. You could, however, view things entirely differently! However, compared to a traditional music video, animation gives you the freedom to express yourself creatively almost without bounds.
You can portray intense feelings that are abstract or large-scale events that you could make without spending much money on Hollywood productions. Want to soar through the air like a superhero? That works. Want to throw in a big explosion? You can accomplish that as well!
It’s not necessary to make an incredibly detailed animation. A few sketches played repeatedly can occasionally appear eerie. If you ask your friends for assistance, you’ll probably be able to get the price as low as possible. A great place to start is by talking to graphic design or animation students, who can also guarantee you get a fair price and lots of original ideas.
Take A Snippet of Footage from Your Live Show!
Yes, this one doesn’t even take any extra time or energy. You’ve already shot one of your live performances — if you haven’t, you should shoot! All you need to do is hiring an editor to edit the video and you are done.
This music video is great because it doesn’t need any meaningful budget! All you need to do is hire a camera man to shoot your live performance once and an editor. Editor is necessary to bring the best out of your good performance.
A music video that was taken from a live performance, as the name suggests. You can use old concert videos from previous performances for your clips in one of two ways. You have the opportunity to exhibit your stage presence and energy in this situation, perhaps winning over some new fans. Another option is to set up a phony live performance where you film yourself like a real concert. A personal touch can be added by engaging friends to play the audience. Two entirely different styles are now apparent.
Some might say that the time of music videos has passed. Well, that might be true to some extent. It is a different time these days, and people are not watching as many good music videos as they used to. However, that doesn’t give us the whole story. There is still a huge demand for those who create creative music videos. Sometimes, a song becomes a hit just because of its music video!
If you liked our guide on great music video ideas, consider sharing this post with a friend of yours!
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