5 Stages of Product Development Life Cycle

Meet Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

Abir's Articles

5 Stages of Product Development Life Cycle

To clearly define the why, what, and when of product development, marketers came up with the idea…

Idea Screening in New Product Development

Every new product, service, or solution starts with an idea generation or concept development followed by the…

A Guide to Concept Development and Testing

Concept development and testing are important steps in the development of a new product. There are plenty…

Marketing Plan: An Interesting Guide About New Product Ideas

As a part of your business expansion, you should think about new product launch ideas. Sometimes, your clients…

How Product Concept Affects New Product Demand

Have you ever wondered how consumers select the products they buy? Why do some brands have much…

The Importance of New Product Concept Development and Its Stages

There’s fierce competition in every industry. It can be challenging to carve out a small space for…