Pillar Page Template Samples to Boost SEO

Pillar pages are a powerful tool for businesses looking to drive traffic, leads, and sales from organic searches. They provide an essential foundation for any website’s content strategy by creating targeted, comprehensive clusters of related topics.

But creating an effective pillar page isn’t always easy. Luckily we’re here with some pillar custom page templates to help you get started.

Aside from sample templates, we’ll also cover all the basics you need to know about pillar pages in this article. Effective use of pillar pages can be invaluable for your site, so read on to find out how they can help you get ahead!

What is a Pillar Page?

A pillar page is a central hub of content related to a specific topic. It provides an in-depth overview of the subject and acts as a jumping-off point for other more specialized subtopics.

Pillar pages are often written in the form of a blog but are much longer. They should include relevant keywords and link to any related blog posts or product pages for further exploration.

Additionally, pillar pages should be optimized for SEO to rank highly in search engine results, driving even more traffic to your website. 

Types of Pillar Pages

X10 content pillar page

This type of pillar page allows you to dive deeper into your main topic and establish yourself as an authority. This type of content is written to be 10 times better than the best-performing article for specific keywords. Hence, its name.

When deciding to use this type of pillar page, you want to ensure that the content is focused on the problems your business solves. Structure this page around topics and subtopics, and write using clear and colloquial language that speaks directly to your target audience.

Generally speaking, x10 pillar pages should be:

  • Compelling
  • Comprehensive
  • High-quality 
  • Relevant
  • Great UI and UX
  • Addresses customer concerns
  • Trigger an emotion
  • Exceptional

Sub-topic pillar page

Content pillar pages of this type are very similar to X10 content pillar pages. They’re both comprehensive and provide valuable information.

The only difference is that X10 pillar pages are typically focused on one of the key solutions that your business addresses. Sub-topic pillar pages, on the other hand, don’t necessarily have to cover a topic that is in line with your business.

A sub-topic pillar page should ideally be:

  • Fully-Comprehensive
  • Problem-Solving
  • Position yourself as an authority on the topic

Resource pillar page

With this type of pillar page, you can organize your internal and external links neatly into sections with a brief overview. This will help visitors easily find/reference them and search engines to understand and index them.

The Resource pillar page is focused on User Experience design and delivering compelling content that will make your visitors stick around your site longer. This aims to increase both page views and engagement.

Why Pillar Pages are Important

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Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

There’s so much your business can gain from a well-structured and well-written pillar page. Not only does a pillar page provide comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject, but its importance extends beyond just being informative.

Here’s a look at some of the benefits a pillar page can bring to your overall site:

  • Increased SEO Visibility: Pillar pages can help your website increase its visibility in search engine results. This can result in more organic traffic and a greater web presence for your business or organization.
  • Improved User Experience: With a well-structured pillar page, visitors will find the information they need quickly and easily. You’ll be able to direct them toward related content that could be of value while keeping them engaged with a clear and concise structure. 
  • Enhanced Authority on Topic: Having an authoritative pillar page allows you to become known as an expert on any given subject matter. By providing detailed explanations and resources, readers will come away from your site feeling confident that they have a solid understanding of the material.
  • Organized Content Hubs: A pillar page serves as the central hub for all other related content on your site. This makes it easy for users to navigate the different pieces and find what they’re looking for without jumping between multiple sites or sources.
  • Long-Term Engagement Opportunities: The longer someone stays on your site, the more likely they are to engage with it further. Pillar pages are perfect for this type of engagement, as users won’t feel overwhelmed by too much material presented at once. As such, they can explore various topics with ease and discover something new every time.

Pillar Custom Page Templates

There are plenty of ways to start your pillar page. Here are some common yet effective pillar custom page templates that can help you get started.

“Ultimate Guide” pillar page

A guide pillar page provides an authoritative overview of your core topic. Here’s a sample template you can refer to:

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to [KEYWORD]! Whether you’re just getting started or are looking for more in-depth advice, this comprehensive Guide is here to provide you with everything you need. We’ll look at different methods and approaches to help you get the most out of your [KEYWORD] experience. 

I. Introduction 

[A short introduction on why it’s important to learn about [KEYWORD] and what topics we’ll cover] 

II. Basics & Fundamentals of [KEYWORD] 

[A section covering the basics of [KEYWORD], such as its history, development, key concepts, and terminology] 

III. Advanced Strategies & Tips 

[A section providing tips and strategies for mastering [KEYWORD]. This could include best practices, common pitfalls, and other advanced techniques] 


[A section addressing frequently asked questions about [KEYWORD] including potential difficulties] 

V. Resources & Further Reading 

[A section highlighting useful external resources related to [KEYWORD] such as books, articles, websites, and online courses] 

We hope this Ultimate Guide provides you with all the knowledge and tools needed to become an expert in [KEYWORD]. Good luck!

“How-to” pillar page

The “How-To” pillar page provides a variety of specific steps to assist the reader in reaching their goals.

Are you looking for a better way to [output]? Do you want to do it faster and easier than ever before? Then this is the article for you! We’ll show you how to [output] quickly and efficiently using our tried-and-true method. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

I. What Output Is 

II. How To Get Started With Outputting 

III. Common Mistakes When Outputting 

IV. Tips For Efficiently Outputting 

V. Final Thoughts on Outputting 

Final Words

By creating informative and engaging pillar pages, businesses can create high-value content and position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. It can also improve organic search rankings and ultimately drive more website traffic.

Take a cue from these pillar custom page templates to get started on a winning pillar page for your site!

Co-Founder of INK, Alexander crafts magical tools for web marketing. SEO and AI expert. He is a smart creative, a builder of amazing things. He loves to study “how” and “why” humans and AI make decisions.

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