Favorite or Favourite spelling varies according to location. Some terms spell differently between American and British writers, even though they imply the same thing.
It’s common for these spelling discrepancies to be caused by a lack of editorial uniformity. These norms can and do change as languages progress.
Every time you read something in the US or the UK, you’ll notice the different spellings used. For example, the word “favorite” could appear in an article in The Wall Street Journal or The Economist.
There are numerous instances when British and American spellings diverge. British English has a tendency to retain the spelling of terms it has borrowed from other languages (such as French). American English has changed its spelling to reflect how the words actually sound when they are pronounced.
When writing for British audiences, only British spellings should be used. In a couple of instances, the popular American spellings are also acceptable in British English, particularly the -ize/-ization ends.
However, choosing between these two options when you use the word is up to you as an author. In general, neither is wrong, but there are some cases where favorite is better than favorite. In this case, as in so many others, it boils down to whom you’re writing for.
So, what’s the proper way to write “favourite”? Let’s find out what’s going on.

The Origin: Favorite and Favourite
Like many other terms in the English language, “favorite” and “favorite” have a long and exciting history.
While “honor” is spelled with an ending that includes the letter “-or,” the word is spelled “honour” in British English. Several other examples of the words exist such as flavor, color, rumor, etc., all of which are spelled in the same way.
Britain had no agreement on how to spell words ending in ‘-or’ or ‘-our’ for a long time. According to Samuel Johnson’s famous 1755 lexicon, the British lexicographer preferred the -our forms of terms.
Similarly, an American lexicographer, Noah Webster, attempted to make the English language spoken in the United States more ‘Americanized.’
His 1828 dictionary stated that the disputed words should be spelled with the -or ending. To this day, Webster continues to be credited with having a significant impact on American English usage.
Favorite Vs Favourite Spelling- How to Spell
The United States and the United Kingdom are sometimes described as two countries divided by a shared language.
English is the most widely spoken language in the United States and the United Kingdom. However, a distinction is frequently made between American English and British English.
In general, the distinctions between the two kinds of English are modest, but they do exist, particularly in spelling.
Depending on whether you employ American or British spelling standards, both favorite and favourite are acceptable spellings.
In American English, the term favorite is preferred, but in British English, the term favourite is preferred. Sometimes, either favourite or favorite can be used; the exact form depends on the style manual you use.
Pronunciation of Favourite and Favorite
It’s easy to decide between favorite and favorite:
- Just think about who you’re writing for.
- Choose favorite if you are an American reader.
- If you’re British, choose favourite.
Both “favorite” and “favourite” are correct spellings, have the same meaning, and are pronounced identically (FAY-vuh-rit or FAY-vit).
Trick to Remember: Since the word “favourite” has an extra “U,” like “United Kingdom,” you can easily recall how to differentiate them now.
How to Use the Word “Favorite” in a Sentence
Favourite As an Adjective
As an adjective, favourite describes a noun chosen by a person or entity over other nouns of its sort.
For example, Black is Daniel’s favorite colour.
Favourite As a Noun
Favorite, as a noun, refers to a person or item that is well-liked and desired over the rest of its sort.
For example, My favorite instructor is Mr. Godwin.
Favorite as a noun sometimes refers to the most likely winner of a game or competition on whom people place wagers.
For example, The Junaid team from the Bahamas is the clear favorite.
Favourite As a Verb
Favorites list the websites that the user visits or bookmarks most frequently. As a verb, “favorite” means to mark the address of a website or other digital data to get faster access in the future.
For example, I’ve favorited Facebook because I use it frequently.
To Wrap Up
As we have seen, favourite spelling differs from favorite in both the spelling and pronunciation of the word. However, the terms mean the same thing. Always remember, favourite spelling is just a matter of preference.
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