There are times when English spelling can appear confusing. English borrows many of its words from other languages. This Germanic language consists of a majority of French, Latin, and Greek vocabulary, which is unusual.
As a result, the same sound can be pronounced in many different ways. Since then, spelling hasn’t been standardized or simplified across all the countries that speak this language.
Due to this, we still have difficulties with spelling, native speakers, and ESL students alike. Let us now turn to today’s post, which revolves around review.
What makes it unique, where to use it, and how do you spell review. You are in luck if you have any issues with this word! Keep reading until the end!
The Definition of Review

Review, depending on the context of the sentence it’s in, can be either a verb or a noun. How do we decide which is it? Well, we have to look at the sentence’s meaning and syntax.
As a verb, it has the following meanings:
- To see something again, to view it twice.
- To query or work on something one more time.
- Looking at something with a retrospective view of point.
- Going over or examining something warily or intentionally.
- Giving something a detailed analysis to see its faults.
As a noun, it means:
- A general retrospection on a specific event or a period of time.
- Piece of writing that evaluates and gives a detailed analysis of something, a work of art.
- The act of looking at something closely and in great detail.
As you might expect, going by the dictionary definitions alone won’t really assist us in understanding this phrase very well. That’s why we took it on ourselves to prepare you, the reader, with some example sentences. This way, you can make out the uses of this expression fully. Without further ado, let’s get cracking!
Example Sentences
- The critics gave scathing reviews of the artist’s new movie that just hit the theaters last week.
- Contrary to popular opinion, a review doesn’t have to be negative. It can say a lot of good things regarding the material that is reviewed.
- I asked the instructor to review my paper again; I don’t think it deserved a C!
- Give me a minute to assess and review this matter.
- This story, like many other superhero stories, didn’t receive good reviews.
Now that we know the correct way to use this expression, let’s take a look at how do you spell review!
How Do You Spell Review?
The correct way to spell is review.
The phonetic transcription of its pronunciation is ri-vyOO.
It can be difficult to spell review. It can also be difficult to understand why you need to spell it one way or the other. Hopefully, this article has addressed your concerns.
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