All too often, the word ‘application‘ is wrongly spelled as aplication in writing. While the former is the correct spelling, the latter is not an English word. How do you spell application?
This article provides you with the appropriate spelling of the term with examples to help you understand its usage.
Definition of ‘Application’
The word ‘application‘ originates from the late Middle English word ‘applicacioun,’ borrowed from the Old French word aplicacion (French; application). Its origin can also be traced to the Latin word applicātiōnem, the accusative singular of applicātiō (“attachment; application, inclination”), from applicō (“join to, attach; apply”).
The word application is a noun. An application is an official request for something: a job, position, or loan, usually in writing. For example: a letter of application for a loan and application to a job. The term is also used to indicate how something can be used for a particular purpose; the new gadget has numerous applications.
Application is a term for a computer program that serve a particular purpose. For example; an application software. The term ‘application’ refers to the act of applying, laying on, or spreading a substance such as cream on a surface. Example: constant application of the cream will yield a result in a short while.
It is also a way in which a rule or law relates to or is essential for someone or something. For example: The application of the new rule to enterprises has yielded a 25% increase in sales in just two weeks.
How Do You Spell Application?
The accurate spelling of the word is A-P-P-L-I-C-A-T-I-O-N. It is an 11-lettered, four-syllable word with six consonants and five vowels. The phonetic pronunciation of the word is /ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/, with the stress on the third syllable as inap-pli-CA-tion. Learn how to pronounce the word using a dictionary.
A common misspelling of the word ‘application‘ is ‘aplication.’ Always spell the word with two p’s.
Using ‘application’ in Sentences
- Jerry sent over ten job applications but still didn’t get a job.
- The bank denied my loan application.
- The application John created works perfectly.
- Constant application of the face cream should reduce the blemishes within two days.
- Our systems are constantly being updated to reduce application rates.
- Over 250 people sent in an application for the role of a Social Media Manager.
- We’ll send the money to you once your application has been approved.

To Wrap Up
A common misspelling of the word ‘application‘ is ‘aplication,’ a non-existent word in English. How do you spell application?Spell the word as A-P-P-L-I-C-A-T-I-O-N with two p’s.
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