How do you spell reason? If you’re confused about spelling this word, you’re not alone. Many people spell the word as ‘reson,’ but this is incorrect! Let’s find out how to spell this important word in minutes!

Definition of the word ‘Reason.’
The word reason originates from the Middle English word ‘resoun,’ from Anglo-French word ‘raisun,’ and from Latin ratio, which means “reckoning, calculation or explanation.”
‘Reason‘ acts as a noun and verb in different contexts. As a noun, it means “that which causes something.” It could also mean a motive for an action, an excuse, or consideration offered in support of an opinion. Synonyms of the word are: cause, rationale, motive, and justification.
Acting as a verb, the word means “to deduce or come to a conclusion by being rational.” It could also mean “to perform a process of deduction or induction or to convince.” The word takes the following verb forms: simple present tense – reasons, present participle – reasoning, and past participle – reasoned.
How do you spell reason?
The accurate spelling of the word is R-E-A-S-O-N. It is a six-lettered, disyllabic word with three vowels and three consonants. The pronunciation of the word is /ˈriːz(ə)n/. The stressed syllable in the word is the first, as in REA-son.
What Part of Speech is Reason?
The word ‘reason‘ functions as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it means “a statement offered in explanation or justification.” It also means “a rational ground or motive,” or the thing that makes some fact intelligible (i.e., a cause).”
- I’m only asking you to reason with me; my actions weren’t meant to hurt you.
- The reason the car broke down is that you failed to pay for a routine service.
- I reasoned the matter with my sister.
- The reason Michael was wearing the same clothes for over a week is that he was too lazy to wash his dirty clothes.
- I’m sure Mary had her reasons for not showing up at the event.
- The reason my wife wasn’t hired is that she didn’t show up for the job interview.
- The reason for your bad grades was that you skipped too many classes.
- Jerry gave a good reason for missing school.
- The reason for your defensive and angry attitude is your insecurities.
- The reason you can’t sleep at night is that your room is too cold.

To Wrap Up
The word ‘reason‘ is a noun and a verb. As a noun, it could mean “a motive for an action, an excuse, or a cause for something.” Acting as a verb, it means “to conclude or deduce.” How do you spell REASON?The acceptable spelling of the word is R-E-A-S-O-N.
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