Some words in the English language are frequently misspelled. The word ‘tomorrow’ is one such word. How do you spell tomorrow? Is it as ‘tommorrow‘ or ‘tommorow?’ Well, in this article, you’ll learn the proper spelling of the word.
How Do You Spell Tomorrow?
The word ‘tomorrow’ signifies the next day. It is used to refer to the day after the present one. The word is used when referring to the near future (e.g., tomorrow’s leaders).
Sometimes, we often misspell the word tomorrow. Common misspellings of the word are: tomoro, tommorrow, tommorow, tomorro, tomarow, tomorow,
The correct spelling of the word is “T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W”. It is an 8-lettered word with three syllables – ‘TO-MOR-ROW.’ Most times, spelling errors are made in the number of “m” and “rs.” Do not write tomorrow with two “m” and two “r” or one “m” and one “r.” It is spelled with one “m” and two “r.”
Tomorrow: Part of Speech
Tomorrow can function as a noun and an adverb depending on the use context.
As a Noun
- Tomorrow is a beautiful day.
- Tomorrow is June’s birthday.
- Michelle will sing at tomorrow’s event.
- Children of today are leaders of tomorrow.
As an Adverb
- We’re traveling tomorrow.
- I have a test to write tomorrow morning.
- Juliet and Michael are getting married tomorrow.
Common Idioms With the Word ‘Tomorrow’
1) …better an Egg Today Than a Hen Tomorrow.
According to this phrase, having a less valuable thing at hand is better than pursuing an uncertain something that has more value.
2) See You Tomorrow.
The phrase is used as a parting word by the speaker to the listener, stating that they will see the next day.
- Bye John. See you tomorrow.
- Have a great evening, Sarah. See you tomorrow.

3) …as If There Were No Tomorrow
The phrase means “to a large extent, desperately, very much or very quickly” (as if there won’t be another opportunity). Negative and positive connotations can be evoked with the phrase.
- Daniel rushed his lunch as if there was no tomorrow.
- Kevin spends money as if there were no tomorrow.
- I enjoyed my time at the party as if there were no tomorrow.
4) …tomorrow Is Another Day
This phrase implies that tomorrow is a fresh start that will bring new opportunities and better results. It is intended to encourage someone to keep a positive attitude despite misfortunes or disappointments.
- We didn’t win the competition, but tomorrow is another day.
- I need to go to bed early. Tomorrow is another day.
5) …here Today, Gone Tomorrow
The phrase implies that something is only present at this moment but might disappear tomorrow.
- I spent the money my father gave me. Here today, gone tomorrow!
- These new businesses can’t be trusted – here today, gone tomorrow.
To Wrap Up
You might have difficulties spelling the word ‘tomorrow’ correctly regardless of whether you are an English language learner or a native speaker. How do you spell tomorrow? Remember, the word is spelled with a single M and double R as in T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W.
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