Many people are unsure of how to spell the word ‘true.’ Learning how to spell English words will make it easier for you to pronounce, remember and use them correctly in writing. This article answers the question, how do you spell true in English.
True: History and Meaning of the Word
‘True‘ originates from the Middle English word ‘trewe,’ from Old English word ‘trīewe,’ (Mercian – trēowe) (which means “trustworthy, faithful and honest”). Also, from Proto-Germanic *treuwaz which means “having or characterized by good faith.”
The word ‘true‘ refers to a statement that conforms to the actual state of reality or fact; something factually correct. For example, John’s statement is true. It also describes something that conforms to a pattern or rule, accurate or exact. i.e., a true copy.
The word describes an attribute of being loyal, faithful, genuine, or legitimate; i.e., James is a true friend; the true king is back.
True, Trew Vs. Trieu: How Do You Spell True?
The accurate spelling of the word is T-R-U-E. It is a four-lettered, monosyllabic word with two vowels and two consonants. The phonemic pronunciation of the word is /tɹuː/.
The word ‘trew‘ is an obsolete spelling of ‘true.’ From the etymology of the word ‘true,’ it might seem like trew is the appropriate spelling. However, when used in place of ‘true’ in writing, it is considered a misspelling and makes your work look unprofessional. It is best not to spell true as ‘trew.’
On the other hand, ‘trieu’ is not a word in English. It is an outright misspelling of ‘true‘ and should be avoided in writing.
True: Part of Speech
In different contexts, the word ‘true‘ acts as a noun, verb, and adjective. As a noun, it refers to the state of being in alignment, a pledge or truce. Acting as a verb, ‘true’ means “to straighten, make even, level, align, or adjust.” It takes the following verb forms: simple present tense – trues, present participle – trueing, and past participle – trued.
True also functions as an adjective, which is the most familiar function of the word. It means something correct, accurate, or exact. It also describes the attribute of being faithful, legitimate, or loyal.
- I doubted Mary’s loyalty so much, but she turned out to be a true friend.
- This is the only true copy of the will.
- Monica’s story is true; I have no reason to doubt her.
- James and I spent all night truing up the report.
- She is true to her word.
- True spirituality transcends all religions.
- We found out the true identity of the job applicant; he turned out to be an imposter.
- What is your true aim in life?
- The feeling of love, sharing, and caring is the essence of a true friendship.
- The name on my passport is false; it’s my true identity.
- True love is hard to find in this age and era.
- You must be true to yourself no matter the circumstance.

To Wrap Up
How do you spell true? The only correct way to spell the word in English is T-R-U-E, not trew or trieu. Take a look at the sentence examples provided in this article to determine how the word is spelled and used accurately.
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