The pursuit of matching spelling with the sound often leads to confusion and error in the English language. Any type of typos or misspellings in writing is considered unprofessional, uninformed, and sloppy.
Truly or Truely: Which Is the Correct Spelling?
The correct spelling in Standard English is “truly” without an “e” in the word. “Truely” with an extra “e” is not an alternative word, and it is a common spelling mistake made by many people.
Truly: The correct adverbial form of the adjective “true,” and it is the only accepted standard spelling in the English language.
Truely: This is not an accepted word in the English dictionary, and it is a commonly misspelled word with no meaning. The reason for this misspelling is because the root word “true” is spelled with an E.

How Do You Spell Truly?
The root word for truly is “true,” which ends with an “e.” But keep in mind that “true” isn’t one of the monosyllabic adjectives that retain the “e” when converted to the adverbial form. In plain words, you drop the “e” from “true” when adding the suffix “-ly” to make it an adverb.
There are adjectives such as nice, fine, and wide that retain their final “e” when “-ly” is added as an adverb suffix. This is often the reason people are confused that “truely” is the right way to spell the word. But this is not true. The only standard spelling acceptable and usable in all contexts of writing is “Truly.”
- I would truly like to meet you once before you leave.
- Always close formal letters with “yours truly” before your signature.
Don’t misspell words in your writing if you want to keep up a high reputation with your words, spellings, and sentence structure. Always follow the standardized English spellings of words to avoid errors in writing.
When to Use Truly
Truly is an adverb with two formal definitions in the English dictionary. It refers to something being done genuinely or honestly.
Example: I truly believe our team can win the debate competition.
Also, Truly could be used to close formal letters respectfully.
Example: You must sign the letter with “Your truly, John Smith.”
To Wrap Up
When it comes to communication, no one wants to make a mistake. Unfortunately, the English language can be difficult to understand at times. And some words almost push us to make blunders with spellings. One such word is “truly.”
How do you spell truly? With an “e” or without an “e?” The struggle is real! This article comes in handy whenever you run into the confusion between “Yours truly” and “Yours truely.”
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