Spelling argument may be confusing for native and non-native English speakers. How do you spell argument? Let’s start by defining the word ‘Argument.’
An argument is a statement or series of arguments that you make to persuade others that your viewpoint is correct. It is the act or process of disputing, discussing, or contending.
Despite the negative connotations associated with the phrase “argument,” disagreements occur in the workplace and other areas of a person’s life.
Using arguments is a common strategy for negotiating and determining the best course of action to take in a given situation. When assessing the validity of a claim or hypothesis, they can also be utilized.
Disagreements are frequently resolved by verbal sparring and presenting evidence in support of one’s position. To persuade or dissuade an audience, a speaker may use argument.

How Do you Spell Argument: Important Tips for Spelling
Argument is spelled a-r-g-u-m-e-n-t. Use a trick to help you remember that argument doesn’t have an “e.”
- I lost an “e” in the “argument.”
Use the word-within-a-word trick:
- Can you see the gum in “argument”?
- Don’t chew gum when you’re making an argument.
We also drop the “e” when we add “-ing” to words.
Argue—drop the “e” and add “ing”—that’s arguing.
When adding a suffix that starts with a consonant, we usually keep the “e” at the end of the word.
For instance:
Distaste + ful = Distasteful
Oblique + ness = Obliqueness
But when you add a suffix that starts with a consonant to a word that ends in -ue, like “argue,” you should always leave off the “e.”
For example:
Argu+ ment = Argument
When adding a vowel suffix, you should also drop the final “e,” as is the case with most words ending in “e.” For example, we observe the following in the verb “argue”:
Argue + ing = Arguing
When adding a suffix to “argument,” always drop the “e” before the word. The words “argument,” “arguing,” “arguable,” and “argumentative” all fall within this category.
How to Use Argument in a Sentence
Want to know how to use the word argument in a sentence? Here are some illustrations:
- The argument was about religion and politics.
- I was afraid that the argument would worsen and turn into a fight.
An argument is also a line of thought, a fact, or a statement used to show that something is true or false. Someone could make a case for why something should or should not happen.
Check out these examples:
- Even though the lawyer’s closing argument was good, it wasn’t good enough to convince the jury.
- Our teacher made a strong argument against premarital sex.
History & Origin of Argument
Argument was first recorded in the 14th century. Middle English derived argument from Anglo-French. Ultimately, it comes from the Latin word argumentum, derived from the verb ‘arguere,’ which means to clarify.
Latin term in this use was argumentum. In the 16th century, Middle English writers used the term to describe the style in which they argued or arrived at conclusions.
By the 19th century, the English word argument made its way into the philosophy of science and logic. Today, arguments can be found in the rules of nearly every subject or discipline.
Argument always has something to say about what is happening or imply what is about to happen. In philosophy, an argument is a set of beliefs that offers some kind of proof that something else is true.
Synonyms for Argument
There are numerous synonyms for argument, but you should only use them when the context and meaning are similar.
The following words may be substituted for debate as a heated or raucous discussion of divergent views:
Altercation, Bicker, Disagreement, Dispute, Quarrel, Misunderstanding and Squabble
When referring to an explanation of one’s position or belief, the following phrases can be substituted:
- Account, Reason, Case, Explanation, Rationale
The following terms might be used for argument when the intended meaning is an exchange of opinions to resolve an issue or investigate a particular topic:
- Discussion, Argumentation, Consultation, Council, Debate, Deliberation, and Dialogue.
Lastly, the following terms can be replaced for argument to refer to a thought or perspective that is given in a discussion or debate:
- Contention, Assertion, Thesis
Types of Argument
Many different kinds of arguments are used in several contexts. This section will go through three main types of arguments and why each one is important.
It is essential to be familiar with the many arguments to determine which one is most appropriate for a certain situation.
An argument can be made in a variety of ways. Making sure your idea is presented effectively and confidently means using the appropriate type of argument for the particular situation.
Getting into an argument has a variety of root causes. These aspects include:
- For defense and justification of a course of action or viewpoint
- To make one’s ideas and points of view known to another person or group.
The ability to argue effectively requires a high level of communication and logic. These skills will help you determine which type of argument is best suited to the situation.
What are the 3 Main Argument Types?
It’s typical for people to have these kinds of disputes daily:
1. Pyramid Effect Argument
A causal argument is utilized to persuade a person or group that one thing led to another—arguments like this focus on what happened and how it led to an issue.
This form of argument is important because it helps people understand why certain occurrences happen and identify the root cause to prevent a repeat of the same thing from happening again.
2. Counterargument
A counter or rebuttal argument aims to dispel a previously held belief or assumption. Using this approach, you’ll probably need to explain why you think a specific idea or belief is incorrect and how you plan to fix it.
Replying to an opponent’s argument usually includes a discussion of the other side’s case and a statement of your perspective and facts to back it up.
3. Proposal Argument
In a proposal argument, a remedy to a specific problem is outlined.
There should be specifics about the strategy and why it is a good idea in this argument. The problem should be identified. An example could be an employee proposing a new strategy to increase customer retention.
To Wrap Up
This guide covers everything you need to know about the term ‘argument.’ argument may not be so easy to spell, but the tips and tricks in this article should make it easy now. So, step up and grab the word. It’s time to speak and write with vigor!
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