English pronunciation of words varies based on dialects and how a person speaks. Correctly pronouncing a word doesn’t always yield the correct spelling. How do you spell promise? Do you use the correct vowels in the word while writing? This article will help you spell the word right and learn its usage in various contexts.
What Does Promise Mean?
‘Promise’ means a verbal commitment or declaration by a person to do or refrain from something in the future. Consider the examples below:
- You should stick to your promise.
- I promise to complete the task by tomorrow.
Origin of the Word ‘Promise’
The word promise originated from the Middle English promis, promisse. It was borrowed from the Old French promesse and Latin promissum (“something promised”). These words were derived from the late Latin promittere (“to send or put forth a promise”) with pro- (“forth” or “forward”) + mittere (“to send”).
How Do You Spell Promise?
‘Promise‘ is a 7-lettered word in the dictionary with 3 vowels and 4 consonants. We spell the word as P-R-O-M-I-S-E. This word has 2 syllables, prom-ise, with the stress on the first syllable. To perfect your pronunciation, you can look at its phonetic transcription /ˈprɒmɪs/.
You can notice a slight difference in the starting sound of ‘promise’ based on the particular region or dialect. The Americans pronounce the word as [praa·muhs] while the British pronounce it as [pro·muhs]
Break “PROMISE” into its constituents to spell it correctly.
Pro (prefix) + mise = Promise
The prefix pro- primarily means “forward” but can also mean “for,” while mise means “sending.” When you make a promise, you are sending “forward” your good intentions to do something.

Definitions of Promise With Example Sentences
‘Promise’ can function as a noun or verb in the parts of speech. The example sentences will help you understand the definition better.
As a Noun
1. the declaration or assurance that something will occur or that one will (will not) do something.
- When it was time to act, she broke all his promises.
- Did you forget all your promises of support?
2. the quality of outstanding potential.
- Laura showed great promise as a new intern.
- His promising performance got him a permanent position in the company.
As a Verb
1. to assure someone that you will certainly do something or something will definitely happen within the promised time.
- He promised to deliver the parcel by today.
- I can’t promise that I will be back by tomorrow.
2. to give someone the reasons or grounds for expectations.
- We promised the kids to take them to the zoo today.
- The upcoming workshops promise tons of advanced learning techniques.
To Wrap Up
‘Promise’ is an everyday word that you should not misspell. Understanding the origin and splitting the word into its constituents will get you the spelling right. This article provides an overview to help you spell promise correctly and learn its usage as a verb and noun in sentences.
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