Business letters have been used for centuries to conduct negotiations and to keep records. And to this day, they remain a key part of any business’s communication. You might be thinking, why should you still use old-fashioned business letters when you can email your clients? Well, the benefits of letters in business are plenty. And we’re going to discuss all of them in this article.
Business letters are a valuable communication tool in professional settings. And they can be used for a variety of purposes. Keep on reading to learn more about them.
Different Types of Business Letters
Before we get into the importance of professional letters in business, let’s first look at their different types. There are several business letter types, but let’s focus on the commonly used ones.
Sales Letters
In sales letters, the main point is to capture the reader’s attention. Since these letters aim to get the reader to act, these letters include strong calls to action. They detail the benefit to the reader of taking action. And they can also include information that will enable the reader to take action, such as a link to a website or contact number.
Order Letters
These letters are sent to manufacturers, retailers, or wholesalers to order goods or services. The letters must contain specific information such as the model number, the product’s name, and the desired quantity.
Complaint Letters
Your word choice and tone in a complaint letter are crucial. It’s a determining factor in getting their attention to address your concern quickly. You should be direct but discreet if you want the company to listen to you.
Adjustment Letters
It is common for an adjustment letter to follow a complaint or claim. If the adjustment is in favor of the customer, you can start the letter with that information. If not, stick to keeping your tone factual and let the customer know you understand your complaint.
Inquiry Letters
An inquiry letter asks a question or provides information from the recipient. Keep it concise and clear when crafting this kind of letter, and list only relevant information. Remember to include your contact information, so the recipient can respond more quickly.
Follow-Up Letters
A follow-up letter might call attention to something the customer mentioned in their initial letter. It can also revisit it or redirect the discussion to another topic.
An example might be a sales department thanking a customer for an order or a business person reviewing the outcome of a meeting. These letters often combine elements of thank-you notes with that sales letters.
Letters of Recommendation
Before hiring someone, prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation. This type of letter usually comes from a previous employer or professor. It describes the sender’s relationship with the applicant and their opinion of them.
Acknowledgement Letters
Acknowledgement letters serve as simple receipts. Businesses usually send such messages to let others know they have received prior communication. This means that they still need to take action regarding it.
Cover Letters
Packages, reports or other merchandise usually come with cover letters. It is used to describe what is enclosed, why it was sent, and, if applicable, what the receiver should do with it. Letters of this type are generally very brief and concise.
Letters of Resignation
A letter of resignation is a written request to leave the company. It’s usually sent to the employee’s immediate manager on their last day of employment. This usually describes their reasons for leaving the company in writing.

Benefits of Letters in Business
A business letter is intended to convey information about a business’s activities. Through a business letter, information can be conveyed to customers, government authorities, financial institutions, and any other parties related to a company. They offer a sense of formality and a noticeable statement that the company is taking its time to communicate something.
Find new sources of a product.
Your business letter may help you locate new product sources at home or abroad. This is usually through an inquiry or order letter. Compared to emails, these letters have a more formalized tone that can aid in connecting you with the right people to answer your queries.
Expand markets
A business letter can also help you to tap into or create new markets. By sending goodwill messages and through circular letters, existing markets can be expanded. Your letters can also open doors for future sales. Prospective customers could be persuaded to place an order through a friendly sales letter.
Establish business relationship
A business letter also serves to create and strengthen mutual relationships with customers, suppliers, and other interested parties.
They Separate You from the Competition
Almost all of your competitors are probably using emails as their primary method of communication. Sticking to old-fashioned letters can help you stand out and gain the upper hand in business. Nothing elevates you above the rest in your critical communications than a thoughtfully written letter.
Building goodwill and image
Even if you can send an email, a well-decorated business letter is still worth taking the time to make. This is because it excels at creating a positive image of your business. It shows that you care enough to invest the time and attention into a more personal form of communication.
Maintaining records and references.
Another advantage of using letters is that they can maintain document evidence. Letters can serve as proof documents. And unlike other means of communication, they can be easily preserved for future reference.
Maintaining business secrecy
Buyers and sellers maintain the confidentiality of their business affairs through business letters. Letters are immune to any form of hacking, unlike emails.
To Wrap Up
Business letters are essential for a vast range of business-related tasks. They can help develop and maintain business relationships and even help maintain confidentiality. These are just some of the many benefits of letters in business. While emails are a great alternative to letters, some communication tasks are better left to letters.
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