Have you been stuck in a rut of the same old welcome messages? We’ve got your back.
If a company has a lack of returning customers and leads, it can sink the business. Welcome messages are the keystone of any good inbound marketing strategy, and we want to help you be more successful.
This article shows you how to write an engaging welcome back message for business. You don’t want customers contemplating whether to stay or go when they visit your website.
The right welcome back message will make them stay and take them a step closer to transacting business with you.

How to Write an Effective Welcome Back Message for Business
On the surface, there isn’t anything special about welcome back messages. They’re just a piece of writing that welcome visitors. This is true. But there’s more. A welcome back message for business can help you improve your customer retention rate and generate quality leads.
Below are a few tips for creating welcome messages that make a lasting impression.
Welcome Visitors
This tip is quite obvious, but we still have to mention it. Your first job is to welcome subscribers and users in your welcome message. A typical welcome message should say something like: “Hey. Welcome back again, and thanks for stopping by to visit.” From there, you should go into some of the ways your business can help them.
Make Promises
Up next, you should make promises of what to expect. This tip helps you bond with customers in an instant. For example, “Seasonal discounts are here”! Or “We’re here to help”! The idea here is that this is a very welcoming text and that your company values its customers. Promises can be as simple as being polite and friendly, saying thank you for being loyal, and ensuring every visit is memorable.
Offer Freebies
Another great way of creating good welcome messages is by offering freebies. It could be a discount or a coupon. Anything that makes customers feel they are getting a lot of benefits works.
If you offer something that is exclusive to your store, you can then offer a limited number to customers. It will raise your brand awareness. Before you know it, more customers will start using your product or visiting your website.
Communicate in Clear Terms and Avoid Errors
The best welcome messages are those that contain no error. You don’t want people’s first impression of your business to be an error-riddled message. In addition, it is good to keep it short. Longer messages will bore your readers. After all, the aim is to greet and welcome them back.
A Sample You Can Use
Welcome back! We hope you had a great holiday season and are ready to start the new year with us. Whether you’re a returning customer or just discovering us for the first time, we’re excited to have you aboard.
We have tons of new products and features launching in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to browse our website or contact us if you have any questions.
Thanks for being here, and we look forward to serving you in (insert year)!
Your welcome message is another chance to show your value to customers while being hospitable. Make a point to make sure you use your welcome message effectively. You can use the sample above as a template or generate more with our Hey INK tool.
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