You can now automate customer service, route calls, and even record messages thanks to answering machines. This isn’t new technology, but they remain a reliable tool for businesses of all sizes.
You don’t want to waste your machine greeting on something unprofessional and without value. This is why we’ve gathered some great professional answering machine greeting message ideas for you!
These greeting messages will give your business an edge over your competition. And will make it clear that you are taking customer service seriously.
The Importance of a Great Answering Machine Greeting
Not many businesses put much thought into their answering machine greetings. But these simple messages can significantly impact customer or client interaction.
A great answering machine greeting is essential because it creates an excellent first impression for callers. A friendly and professional-sounding greeting will help callers feel welcome and happy with your service.

What to Include in an Answering Machine Greeting
Your voicemail greeting doesn’t need to be overly complex. It should be brief and easy to understand. And most importantly, it needs to contain all the relevant information that will be valuable to the caller.
Here are some essential elements to include in your professional voicemail greeting:
- A formal greeting
- Your Name
- Your company
- An explanation for missing the call (e.g., you are away from the phone or are on holiday)
- A rough estimate for when you can get back to them.
- If you are out of the office, a third person they can contact instead.
- Alternative modes of communication, if in case you prefer to be contacted through email or text
- A call-to-action, such as “You can send me an email at [Email Address]” or “Please leave a message.”
The greeting should be professional, but the tone of your message can also be friendly and warm, depending on the situation.
Great Professional Answering Machine Greeting Message Ideas
Machine Greetings For The Main Office
- Thank you for calling ABC Corporation. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please leave your message right after the tone. We will try to give you a call as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.
- Hi, you’ve reached [Company Name]. We can’t take your call right now due to [Reason]. Please kindly leave us your name, contact number, and the reason for your call. Within 24 hours, a team member will be in touch with you. Thank you very much.
- Hello, you reached [Company Name]. Unfortunately, we are not available to answer your call now. Your call is very important to us. Please leave your name and phone number. We will make sure to return your call immediately.
- Hello, this is [Company Name]. Our office is currently closed. We operate Monday through Friday between 8 am to 5 pm CST. You can visit our website at [company website URL] for more information. Or you can leave us your name and contact details, and we will respond by [Date]. Thank you for calling.
- Greetings from [Company Name]. We cannot accept your call at this time. If you want to speak with a representative, please head to our website at [company website URL]. You can also email us at [email address]. Please leave your name and phone number if you want us to call you back. Our team will get in touch within 24 hours.
- Thank you for calling [Company name]. Our representatives are all occupied at present. Please leave us your name and number. A company representative will personally assist you within 24 hours after this call. Have a wonderful day.
For Personal Business Voicemail Greetings
- Hello, this is [Your Name] of [Company Name]. If you need help with [Reason/Issue], please contact [Person/System]. You can also email us through our website. Please leave your name and a message if you have any other questions. I will try to get back to you at the earliest.
- This is [Your Name] working for [Company Name]. Unfortunately, I am currently unavailable. Our office operates from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. Kindly leave me your message, name, and phone number. I will get back to you within one to two business days. Have a great day.
- Hello, you have reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. Email me at [email address] if you want a quick response. Or you can leave me your message, name, and phone number. I’ll try to return your call as soon as I can.
- Hey, I’m [your name] at [X] companies. I am on vacation and won’t be back at the office until next [Date]. You can contact [Colleague who is covering for you] at [Alternative phone number]. Or you can leave me your name, phone number, and reason for calling. I will get back to you by then. Thank you!
Short Business Voicemail Greetings
- Hey, you’ve reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. Thanks for your call. I’m not around to answer now, but please leave your message, name, and phone number. I’ll make sure to return your call at the earliest.
- Hello, this is the office of [Name] at [Company Name]. Please leave your name, contact details, and reason for calling. We’ll get back to your call as soon as we can.
- Hey, I’m [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I am either on a call or away from my desk. Please leave your name and phone number, along with a short message. I’ll give you a call back as soon as possible.
- Hi, I am [Your Name] at [Company Name]. Please provide us your name, phone number, and reason for calling. I will call you back right away.
- Hi, you have reached [Your Name] at [Company Name]. I am currently away from the office. Please leave a brief message along with your name. I will make sure to get back to your call.
- Hi, you’ve reached (Your Name) at (X company). Sorry, I’m currently unable to answer your call. I am very busy at the moment. But if you leave your name and phone number, I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Your answering machine greeting message is the first impression potential customers will have of your company or business.
Make sure to sound professional and courteous in your greeting so that customers will know they can expect excellent service from you. Use these professional answering machine greeting message examples as a reference for an effective greeting message!
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