A professional email is never complete without a well-constructed signature. This small block of text may not seem like much. But by using the right professional email signature styles, you can make this tiny text a tool for influence, authority, and credibility.
We’ve listed some of the best email signature styling ideas you can try out in this article. Try using these in your following email, and you can be sure to end your email on a high note.
What Is an Email Signature?
An email signature is a customized text block that you can find at the end of an email. It includes branding and contact information. You can personalize and style your signature to suit many different purposes, such as:
- Show professional courtesy
- Establish brand awareness
- Generate leads
- Drive organic traffic to your website and social channels
- Make a positive association with yourself and the business you represent.

Importance of Your Email Signature
While it may seem like a small element in your entire email, an email signature can impact how your email is received. Here are just some reasons why this text block is so important:
- An email signature can help to establish your credibility and professionalism. Including your name and job title in your signature helps to give recipients an idea of who you are and what you do. If you’re sending a business email, including your company name in your signature can also help to build trust and credibility.
- An email signature can also be useful for including links to your website or social media profiles. If someone reads your email and wants to learn more about your work, they can easily click on the links in your signature.
- Including contact details in your signature is also important if the recipient wants to contact you outside of email. Including things like your phone number or social media, handles makes it easy for people to connect with you however they prefer.
Overall, an email signature is a simple yet effective way to make yourself look more professional and credible.
The Best Professional Email Signature Styles
Add Your Best Photo
You can easily add a photo to your corporate email signature with a few computer skills or a useful email signature generator. In addition, the imagery will attract more attention and add visual interest to your email.
Include Your Company Logo
An alternative to using a photo is to include your company’s logo. While it is possible to use both your photo and company logo, this can make your signature look too crammed and confusing. It’s best to choose just one.
Make It More Interesting With Some Social Media Icons
Is your company active on social media? If so, why not include it in your email signature?
This can be a great way to drive traffic to your pages on different platforms. It can also allow recipients to know your company a lot better. Rather than a boring hyperlinked URL, you can use icons representing each site’s logo to link to your social media channels.
Companies often use their email signatures to feature things like awards or designations. You can also add certifications or courses completed as badges. This is a great way to show them your expertise and professionalism.
Muted Color Palettes Are In, and Overly Bright Colors Are Out
Colors that aren’t too bright or saturated can actually be more attractive to your recipient’s eye. It emanates a sense of calmness in their minds. People will be more likely to pay attention to them than blinding palettes.
Limit the design to two colors in your signature. For example, you can make the main text dark gray and the additional text darker green.
You can also use your corporate colors if you don’t have a brand guide. Try to ask your designer for advice. Or you can use online color palette generators to pick a perfect color combination.
Have Fun With Some Geometric Shapes
Why not design your signature banners with eye-catching geometric shapes like squares, triangles, or circles?
This is more of a minimalist design which is very popular among designers today. Combining these elements with low-saturated colors makes a picture look more appealing and stylish!
Quick Tips for Making a Great Email Signature
Now that you know some of the best email signature styles let’s look at some quick tips to make a winning signature. Here’s a guide on what to do and what not to do in your email signature:
- Optimize for mobile. Test your signature on your mobile device and send yourself a test email.
- Keep it concise. An ideal email signature should only be composed of 3-4 lines.
- Include an image. A simple, professional headshot or a corporate logo can effectively establish authority.
- Be mindful when choosing who you share your contact information with. You don’t want everyone you email to have your mobile phone number.
- Inject some colors. Your company’s marketing materials should match your signature’s color scheme and typeface.
- Don’t include your email address. Although it may seem obvious, many people still add their email addresses to their signatures. This is unnecessary and occupies space you can otherwise use for other important information.
- Avoid bombarding it with information. Rather than including every social media link, prioritize the most important ones.
- Don’t promote a personal agenda using your work email signature. It doesn’t belong in your professional signature if it’s not related to your professional life.
- Don’t go crazy with fonts and animations. Use only two fonts, max. And don’t use animations that are too flashy.
An email signature allows your recipients to easily find out more about you.
It can also help to build trust and credibility and create a more professional impression. And with the help of these professional email signature styles, you can turn your email signature into a powerful communication tool!
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