How to Respond to an Introduction Email: an Effective Guide

If you’re looking for how to respond to an introduction email sample, You’re at the right place!

When someone you know connects you to someone in their network via email, an immediate and short response can leave a lasting impression. Whether you want to establish a new professional connection or inquire about a job, there are a few points to keep in mind.

Keep reading to learn essential tips for responding to introduction emails, along with some examples.

Tips for Responding to Introduction Emails

Here are some important tips to keep in mind to draft an effective response to introduction emails.

Research Who You’re Being Introduced To

If you don’t know the person you’re introduced to, do some research on them online to see if they have a LinkedIn profile.

Look at the activities they have engaged in and the results they have achieved. It will help show that you know who they are and what they do. It also lets you ask them specific questions if you have any.

Move the Original Sender to BCC

You don’t have to include the person who assisted you in making your connection in every detail of your conversation. Put the contact you just connected to in the “Reply” field, then move the original sender to the BCC. Then the original sender won’t receive any of your responses.

Express Your Appreciation and Interest in the Person You Are Connecting With

Being courteous and thankful for the person you just connected with can help you to develop a stronger bond with them. They’re taking time out of their day to get to know you better and communicate with you. So be sure to thank them, sound enthusiastic in your email, and let them know why you’re looking forward to speaking with them.

Briefly Introduce Yourself

Give the other person a brief overview of yourself, so they can understand what you do. Try to reduce your bio to a few lines and only include material that is relevant and distinctive. You could discuss your current position, your accomplishments, or any other personal information that would help the other person get to know you better.

Give a Clear Explanation of Why You Wanted to Connect

Be clear about the information you seek or what you want from the other person. Be as specific as you can when describing your needs, and try to connect them to the person’s expertise.

Request to Set a Meeting for Further Discussion

An email introduction is a great way to meet people. But it’s always best to have a more detailed conversation when talking over the phone or meeting in person. List a few times in the next couple of days when you’ll be free to see if they coincide with the other person’s availability.

How to Respond to an Introduction Email Sample

Suppose you’re the new recruit and are introduced to the central team and the company for the first time via email. The HR team might welcome you to the company while wishing you luck in contributing to the growth and development of the company. Below are a few responses to introduction emails that must express your enthusiasm and professionalism at the same time.

Response 1:

Dear [Sender],

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I am delighted to be a part of [Company Name].

I intend to give my very best for the growth, development, and success of the [Team Name].

Looking forward to working with you.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

Response 2:

Dear [Sender],

I appreciate your kind words. I’m genuinely pleased to be working for [Company Name].

Looking forward to working with you.

Best regards,

[You Name]

When you’re introduced to a team or someone to start working with, you can craft your response in the following ways:

Response 1:

Thanks [sender] (move the person to BCC)!

I’m happy to meet you, [person you are introduced to]. I constantly hear about your outstanding job.

Please let me know when we may begin working on [Task Details]. How about setting up a meeting?

Let’s catch up soon!


[Your Name]

Response 2:

I appreciate you [Sender] (moved to BCC) for introducing me to [person you are introduced to]. You always motivate me to work better.

Nice to meet you, [person you are introduced to]. As [Sender] stated, I can help in all [specify work] related tasks. Feel free to let me know whenever you need me for any task.

Looking forward to working with you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]


An introduction email is a great way to connect with someone new. However, not many people know what to do or how to respond when they meet someone new via email. Creating a response email for an introduction email takes time and patience.

When you send someone an introduction email, you need to take time to research who you are being introduced to. Once you know this individual, take the time to make a response email that conveys your appreciation, interest, and how you want to connect. Use the tips in this post to help you write a good response to introduction emails and foster friendly relationships.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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