How to Write a Policy Cancellation Request (With Sample)

A policy cancellation request is an insurance company’s request that an individual cancels their policy. Sometimes, individuals could also want to cancel their policy. If so, it is essential that you submit a policy cancellation request letter.

A cancellation request letter states why you want to cancel the policy. It also specifies what is expected of the insurance company once the policy has been cancelled.

So, how do you write a cancellation request? Can’t recall the last time you composed an official letter? Not to worry! We’ve thought of everything for you.

This article covers when and how to cancel a policy with a sample letter. Read on!

man writing on paper
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Reasons for a Car Policy Cancellation Request

Your auto insurance policy is a legal document. It’s a legal contract between you and the insurance company that protects you from financial loss in case of an accident, storm, or theft.

Policy cancellation requests could be due to financial hardship, loss of employment, death, change in name or occupation, and attaining age 26 or older.

It could also be as a result of Insurance fraud, non-payment of premium, suspended license or lies detected on the insurance form submitted.

If you cannot afford the car insurance payment, you have the right to cancel your policy.

Some insurance companies will accept a phone call or an email as sufficient cancellation notice. Others still require that letter to be signed, stamped, and mailed, and here’s how to write it.

How to Write a Policy Cancellation Request

Are you prepared to cancel your insurance? To cancel your auto insurance, follow these steps:

1. Get Organized

Get everything organized for your new insurance plan. When switching auto insurance providers, you must ensure that your coverage does not lapse.

An insurance company may boost your premiums in the future due to even a single day of coverage gaps. You should keep your auto insurance policy active even if you don’t have a car or can’t drive.

2. Check Your Calendar

Know when your new policy starts, and let your old one end on the same day or the day after. This will keep you from having a gap in coverage. It’s preferable to have some overlap rather than no coverage at all.

3. Gather Information

Get in touch with your present insurance provider. Find the correct mailing address and determine from the representative what information should be included in the cancellation letter. There is no guarantee that the business address you find online is the actual one.

4. Put Pen to Paper!

Start writing, print, and send off. To the greatest extent possible, we will simplify things for you.

You can use the sample below as a starting point by copying it and changing the information in the brackets to reflect your needs.

Car Policy Cancellation Request Format

Here’s an example of an auto insurance cancellation letter:


To Whom It May Concern,

I want to cancel my auto insurance policy, [policy number], effective [date new policy begins]. I will be covered by [new insurance company name], policy number [new policy number] as of that date. Please halt all automatic payments or debits from my account.

I also want written confirmation of the cancellation and a prompt refund of unused premiums. Please send both to the following address:



[City, State, ZIP]

Please feel free to get in touch with me at [phone number] or [email] if you have any questions.


[Your signature]

[Your full name]


A policy cancellation request is a no-fee opportunity for both the company and the customer to review the agreement and either renew it or cancel the plan.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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