Flight cancellation requests are not unusual. Various factors cause the cancellation of flight tickets. Travelers are entitled to refunds when they cannot continue their scheduled journey due to unpredictable events.
If you are looking to request a refund from the airline, we have formal flight cancellation email sample to guide you. Feel free to modify the samples to suit your situation.

Flight Cancellation Email Sample to Explore
Have your date and time of departure been confirmed, but you want to cancel? These email samples might help you to figure out what to write in an email.
1. Request for Flight Cancellation and Rebate Due to Itinerary Changes
Dear Reservation Supervisor,
Kindly cancel my plane ticket (number of the ticket) dated (date) and make a refund. I will be unable to travel due to itinerary changes. I hope you will oblige my request.
Sincere Regards,
(Your name & air ticket details)
2. Letter to the Airline for a Refund Due To Death
Subject: Letter Asking for a Refund on an Air Ticket
Dear Sir/Ma,
My name is (name), and I bought a ticket to Illinois last night. Today, a close family member died unexpectedly, so I can’t catch that flight. I want to get a full refund for the ticket. The ticket is in the enclosure. I hope it won’t take too much time.
Thank you.
3. Letter to Airline for Refund Due To Illness
“Dear Sir,”
Please cancel my reservation for the journey to the United States on (insert date here). I have fallen gravely ill and cannot travel at this time (date). It was a huge disappointment when I got sick and was told to stay in bed until I felt better.
Please cancel my reservation and refund my payment as soon as possible. My gratitude and obligation in this matter will be multiplied if prompt action is taken on my part.
Here’s my sincere appreciation for your help.
These flight cancellation email sample are perfect for asking for reimbursement. In a sense, they all have the same tone. But, they can be instructive in different ways depending on the situation and desired outcome.
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