Effective Sample Letter to Cancel Car Booking

A letter to cancel car booking is a formal letter that is carefully worded to avoid legal hassles. The tone of voice should be polite while giving notice of a decision that the receiver must come to terms with.

This article offers sample letters to car book cancellation. You can also tailor these formats to meet other cancellation needs.

yellow sedan parked near red concrete building
Photo by Wolf Schram on Unsplash

Samples of Car Book Cancellation

Here are the sample letters requesting the cancellation of a car reservation. It can be used to cancel any reservation, whether made in person, on the phone or online.

Letter Format 1: Car Booking Cancellation


Institute or showroom name

Institute or showroom Address

Sub: Letter for Cancellation of Car Reservation

Dear reservation staff,

I am (name), and I made a phone call last week (Date) to reserve a (Car name and number). I’m writing to cancel the reservation.

I called earlier but was instructed to write a letter to the booking department. The letter has the electronic receipt for the car reservation attached.

Please revoke my reservation and let me know when it’s executed.

Thank you.



Contact no and signature

Letter Format 2: Car Book Cancellation


Institute or showroom name

Institute or showroom Address

Application for Cancellation of Car Reservation

Dear [Name of Car Agency],

Dear [Car Agency Name],

I have previously made a booking for a [car name and type] and would like to cancel it due to [state the reason]. My booking number is [car booking number]. Enclosed with this [letter/email] are copied from the booking details and the receipt for your reference.

Please revert back to me and confirm that my booking has been canceled. I surely welcome a future opportunity to book one of your cars and I regret that this has happened as much as you do.


Thank you



Contact no and signature


A letter to cancel car booking is a type of formal letter you may need to write occasionally. If canceling a reservation at an event or concert, you can use this sample letter as your starting point.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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