Guide to Creative and Clever Ad Headlines

Search ads are among the most common form of ads. Most people rarely notice them because of the monotony of the market. The majority of ads are similar, and there are only a few ads that actually stand out. If you want your ads to count among those few, you need to learn how to write clever ad headlines.

computer screen displaying 4.7k
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

This article will explain ad headlines and their importance. It will also teach you some tips and tricks you can use to optimize your ad headline to perfection.

What are Ad Headlines?

Ad headlines are short descriptions of an ad’s contents. They share hints on what the ads contain, and they give the ad context. Many readers use ad headlines as a basis for determining whether the ad is relevant to them.

Similar to email headlines, ad headlines have a direct impact on key metrics such as click-through rates, open rates, and conversions.

It’s because of this that headlines are one of the most important components of an ad’s success. Moreover, they are a mute, but eloquent expression of the power in words.

The Importance of Ad Headlines

As mentioned earlier, ad headlines have a direct impact on an ad’s success. They are the first and only opportunity to create a good impression of your ad. Therefore, it’s imperative to get them right the first time.

A clever ad headline attracts prospect information and gets them to check your ad out.

Ad headlines can help increase your conversion rates, which also translates to greater profit and growth margins.

Moreover, they help your brand stand out from the rest of the market by drawing traffic to your product page or landing page. While this doesn’t increase your SEO ranking, it extends the reach of your marketing campaign. It also facilitates brand awareness.

Lastly, because headlines improve conversion rates, it also follows that they improve your ROI. Your marketing expenses yield much better results versus without good ad headlines.

The simplicity of their application and the effect they yield make clever headlines some of the best ways to boost your marketing campaign.

Tips for Writing Clever Ad Headlines

If you’re looking to enjoy all these marketing benefits, you’ll need to take the time to practice writing quality ad headlines. Clever ads should grab reader attention and depict a clear image of what you’re offering.

You can use this short list of tips as a starting point. Here are some tips for writing clever ad headlines.

1. Use Relevant Keywords

The Google Search Engine determines the ads to present based on their relevance to a search query’s keywords. Marketers must include the keywords they’re targeting in their ad because this helps the search algorithm determine the context and content of an ad.

Help prospects make the connection between their search query and your ad by adding keywords. They are more likely to click on ads that are clear on what they offer. This is especially true when the ad’s keywords match those in the search query.

For example, if your business sells a particular product, make sure to include it in your ad headline.

2. Ask Questions

You can also leverage user intent by asking your searchers a question. This allows you to increase conversion rates, and it’s a clever way to imply that your product is the solution for their problem.

You can ask things relevant to a problem. Here are some examples to inspire you:

  • Headed for Divorce?
  • Need Quick Cash?
  • Looking for a New Car?
  • Want a Home Loan?

These questions also connect with readers because they imply that your business understands their needs.

3. Solve Specific Problems

Another way to get people to click on your ad is by convincing them that you hold the solution to their problem. This is based on the premise that people don’t just buy things out of a want. They buy things to solve particular problems or to improve their quality of life.

Pay-per-click ad headlines also create the impression that your products and services are more effective solutions, and are therefore more likely to get clicked.

Here’s an example:

It’s time to end the ant infestation that’s been bothering you all this time. Click here to get a free assessment today!

4. Add a Bit of Humor

Prospects rarely pay attention to the variety of ads they come across. They are even less likely to compare them. To them, most ads look and feel the same.

Advertisers can help their ad stand out from the monotony of ads by using a bit of humor to their advantage. However, you need to be cautious with what you add because humor is subjective.

What may be funny to one person may be offensive to another. Avoid dark humor and anything remotely cultural, racial, or sexual. If you want to be safe, try to perform an A/B test to determine whether prospects find the joke funny.

Some advertisers poke fun at their competitors. Though, we recommend you avoid this because making false claims and accusations could lead to a difficult legal battle. It will also lead to sanctions from search engines like Bing and Google. The risk of earning the ire of competitors and Google just isn’t worth the reward.

5. Focus on Search Intent

Seasoned marketers always write their content with user intent in mind. The same goes with ads. Failing to do so will cause you to miss out on big opportunities. You need to realize that most prospects don’t care about the product itself. They’re more interested in how a product can enrich their lives, solve problems, and meet their needs.

When writing any advertising content, make sure to focus on the benefits your product can give to a user. They’re more likely to buy a product when you show them how it fits in their lives.

For example:

Samsung markets the Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 as a two-in-one productivity machine for professionals. They don’t just flaunt the phone’s specs and features. Their commercials often highlight how its features can help aid users in productivity.

6. Empathize with Your Target Audience

Another angle you can use to frame your ads is to show your target audience that you can relate with their problems. Sometimes, it’s not enough to offer a solution to a problem. Many potential customers and clients want to know that the business they plan to work with understands their needs and pains.

It’s a natural human reaction. In Psychological treatments, understanding the patient, and conveying the same is one of the first objectives. People are more likely to trust those who understand their plight. They are usually more open to the solutions trusted people present.

7. Use Simple Words

The internet is replete with jargon and buzzwords that we can ever care about. There’s a stark difference in being specific and using industry jargon. The difference lies in whether you message is clear to your audience.

Simple words are important because not everyone has the same readability levels. Remember that the goal of your ad is to extend the reach of your brand or product. This entails that your language needs to cater to the majority of your audience. Simple words aren’t just simple to read, but they’re also easy to remember.

This doesn’t mean you have to make do with a boring headline either. There are many simple strong words you can use to deliver a compelling and memorable message.

8. Avoid Making False Claims

Whether you’re referring to your business of your competitors, it’s paramount that you stick only to factual statements. You should also avoid using claims that you cannot prove.

These make your ad sound over exaggerated, and it hurts your brand’s credibility. Making false claims about your competitors is a lengthy and expensive lawsuit waiting to happen.

People hate clickbait because they feel as though they’ve wasted their time and trust. Don’t encourage the same sentiment from your target audience.

9. Proofread Your Ad

Finally, once you’re finished tweaking your ad, make sure to go over it several times to ensure everything is perfect. While spelling and grammar errors don’t mean the end of the world, they can damage your credibility.

How can you expect people to trust your company if you can’t be trusted to write proper ads?

It’s an unnecessary mistake that could have avoided by simply taking the time to read your ad.

Do note that make of these tips also apply to all forms of copywriting. Use these tips to tell a compelling story, no matter the copy or audience.

The Bottom Line

Clever ad headlines are a crucial component to any PPC ad campaign. They have a direct impact on key metrics like CTR and conversion rate, and by extension, revenue.

The primary purpose of ads is to extend the reach of your marketing efforts and to attract new prospects. Marketers must perfect their ad headlines because they serve as the basis for whether potential customers click on their ads.

We hope this simple guide gives you the knowledge you need to write clever ad headlines. Keep in mind that it takes a bit of practice to perfect this craft.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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