Essay introductions play a vital role in every informative essay. It is crucial to write an excellent introduction to make your piece more interesting. There are several things that you should consider when making a great intro. And we’ll discuss all that and more along with an informative essay introduction example.
Your introduction is what sets the scene for the rest of your essay. Informative essays use facts and figures, explain situations and issues, come up with conclusions and present the benefits of the thesis. And your introduction needs to reflect this.

What is an Informative Essay?
The purpose of informative essays is to provide information to the reader. It explains complex topics in a more simplified way. They can be about any topic such as business, history, literature, or even science.
Unlike other types of essays, the aim of informative essays is not to persuade the reader but to provide information. One of its main objectives is to present evidence to justify your main points.
Types of Informative Essays
Informative essays can be categorized into five main categories. This helps you know what you are trying to accomplish with your informative essay.
1. Descriptive
A descriptive essay can describe a subject, person, concept, or event in vivid sensory detail. This essay aims to appeal to the five senses. Descriptive essays can also appeal to empathy and emotion and arouse interest in the reader.
2. Process
A process essay outlines the steps necessary to complete a particular task or procedure. It provides instructions in chronological order to assist the reader in the course of carrying out a task.
3. Compare/contrast
The compare-and-contrast essay highlights similarities and differences between subjects in the same category. The essay can compare two or more subjects and include their pros and cons. You can also use this essay to show how the subject fits within a single cluster of ideas.
4. Cause/effect
A cause-and-effect essay describes a scenario that caused an effect. It then goes through the causes and consequences of the situation. This is a somewhat common analysis format for informative writing. It aims to make a clear and logical argument.
5. Problem/solution
A problem/solution essay compares and contrasts two or more significant points and then gives a final solution. This essay must include an introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion.
It’s important to remember that a problem/solution essay is not just about finding a solution and then conveying it to your audience. Instead, you should also provide the positive and negative aspects of the solution to help the audience see the benefit of the final verdict.
Tips for Writing an Essay Introduction
Writing your essay introduction isn’t as hard as it seems. If you stay organized, well-prepared, and focused on the purpose of your essay, it will go well. Here are some quick tips that can help you out.
1. Know Your Audience
By getting to know your audience, you can utilize a writing style that better suits the assignment. And you will be able to tailor your introduction to them so they get what they want out of the essay.
2. Keep it Concise
An introduction is usually two to three sentences long, so it’s essential to make it concise, direct, and to the point. Be brief and try to summarize your main points.
3. Hook Your Readers In
The introduction is also sometimes referred to as the hook. This is because it’s the part of your essay which will hopefully hook your reader to continue reading your essay throughout.
Make sure to make your introduction as interesting as possible. Think of something that can lure your readers in.
Types of Informative Essay Introduction Example
There are many ways to start your essay. Each type focuses on a different approach. Whichever type you choose to use, make sure that it hooks the reader and encourages them to continue.
By knowing the introduction types, you can get an idea of the kind of introduction to pursue with your essay.
1. Question Hook
Asking a question in your introduction can intrigue your reader. This question is a call to action, and by answering it, the reader gains greater knowledge about what’s to come next. This is an excellent choice for informative, persuasive, and narrative essays.
- What is the most challenging question you have asked yourself?
- Did you know that around one billion cars are being used worldwide?
- How did people in medieval times communicate if they didn’t have the internet?
2. Declaration Hook
Declaration hooks involve using a solid opening statement to grab your readers’ attention. The best declaration hooks are personal statements, statements from authorities, or statements of opinion.
- The leading cause of poverty is corrupt governments.
- I believe that being a single mother is one of the most challenging jobs.
3. Story Hook
Story hooks are more on the entertaining side. It discusses a topic as if you’re telling a story. They can be narrated or told in a final summation theme. You might even choose to segue the story into your essay, using cliffhangers, events, or even some advice.
A story hook is a great way to share your personal experiences with others while keeping your essay’s tone informative.
- Growing up, I always found nature to be an exciting sight. We used to go camping every weekend and witness the beautiful night sky above our tents.
4. Fact Hook
A fact hook differs from a declaration hook because it uses statements with proof to back it up. This adds more credibility to your essay. The reader will see that you’ve taken the time to research your topic.
- An astounding 79 million motor vehicles are manufactured every year.
5. Quotation Hook
Another great way to start your essay is to use a quote. The quote you use doesn’t have to be from a well-known person. Once you’ve chosen a quote, you can explain what this quote means with a little bit of the author’s bias and opinion. Lastly, you want to tie the quote to the rest of your essay.
To Wrap Up
An informational essay aims to impart information that is essential to the reader. It is written in a structured and clear manner, and it can be about any topic.
The introduction of the essay is an essential component because it is the first step to hooking the audience in and getting them interested. Hopefully, the informative essay introduction example in this article has given your an idea of how to start your essay. Good luck!
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