Hooks are the single most important part of copywriting. They determine whether a prospect converts or walks away. The competition in the digital marketing sector is intense.

Therefore, it’s important to master the tools you have at your disposal. This article will teach you what is hook writing and provide some examples. Let’s begin.

What is Hook Writing?

Hook writing refers to the art and craft of combining cognitive persuasion and brief selling points. The primary function of a hook is to intrigue your audience with the promise of a unique experience.

Hooks grab an audience’s attention and compel them to read your content. They are a way to help readers determine whether your copy’s content is important to them.

You can compare them with fishing hooks and how they attract fish until they are caught and reeled.

They are the first step of a sales funnel. Hooks grab the attention of prospects with a promise, while your market copy persuades your prospects to commit to a particular course of action.

Even if your market copy is a masterpiece, it won’t fulfill its intended function if you don’t use a hook to attract readers.

A picture of a hook with a blue and yellow background.
Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

Types of Hooks

There is a wide variety of hooks. Some are stories that present an argument or place an issue or action into a clear context. Others create a sense of mystery when used but do not specifically indicate any particular point.

The main trait of a hook is that it presents information meant to grab the interest of an audience. Here are some angles you can use to write a hook.

1. Cautionary

A cautionary angle tells prospects of the potential consequences of failing to act on something. The main elements involved in this approach are the consequence and action (or solution).

This hook plays on a reader’s inherent fear of danger and pain. This is based on the premise that people are inherently afraid of pain and will try to avoid it when possible.

For example, a hook for a home security suite.

“Burglars are 40% more likely to target high-value homes.”

2. Informative

An informative approach appeals to our innate desire to learn more about our world. Informative hooks attract prospects by suggesting that the information in the content is essential for a task.

For example, a hook for an online academic course targeting millennials.

“70% of millennials believe that school failed to hone their skills in managing their finances.”

3. Affirmative

An affirmative approach responds to our inherent attraction to things that confirm our beliefs. Prospects want to relate with products and brands that share their views. Confirmatory hooks start by stating a fact and by providing new information to get the audience to read more about the topic.

For examplea hook for an exercise app.

“Studies show that regular exercise lowers the risk of heart problems. It also significantly improves mental health and sleeping patterns and leads to stronger immunity.” 

4. Fear of Missing Out

This approach is similar to the cautionary approach in that it plays on the fear of prospects. However, it differs because it doesn’t highlight a threat or danger. Instead, it highlights an offer’s benefits and adds a sense of urgency by introducing a time element.

For example, a hook for a VPN free trial.

“80% of trackers can see your browser history.”

5. Relevancy

This approach relies on current events to grab the attention of prospects. People enjoy references, especially when these references pertain to things they feel strongly about. The relevancy approach involves referencing a current event or trending topic and cleverly using words.

For example, a hook for an air conditioning repair shop amidst the Texan heat waves.

“Studies show that prolonged exposure to heat can cause [problem A] and [problem B].”

Hooks vs. Clickbait

Hooks and clickbait may should similar in how marketers and content creators use them to draw the attention of prospects. However, they differ in relevance, helpfulness, and truthfulness.

Clickbait titles are false representations of content and do not provide readers any value. In contrast, a hook delivers what it promises to provide and helps the audience find a solution for a particular problem.

Avoid using clickbait. Nobody wants to waste time, and search engine algorithms will punish you for writing this kind of content.

The Bottom Line

Every great piece needs an intriguing hook to get people to read it. Hook writing it is the art of using words to craft an interesting offer to attract an audience. It is a staple marketing method that all marketers should master.

Knowing the different approaches will allow you to frame your words in a structured manner that hooks your audience to your copy.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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