Basic Steps on How to Cold Email on LinkedIn

Learning how to cold email on LinkedIn can help broaden your relationship with others in your network. It can also lead to more transactions and a more insightful customer experience.

However, it is possible that you do not understand what a “cold message” is, let alone how to send one. Not to worry! This article will guide you on key steps when drafting a cold email to ensure your message will be read and understood.

What is a Cold Email?

Transmission of official communication to a recipient at an unexpected time is known as “sending cold communications.”

A cold email is a type of email that you send to a target audience. Though it is an unsolicited form of email, it is not the same as spam. The two components or kinds are distinct because they aim at different audiences.

Spam emails don’t go for a particular demographic; instead, they’re sent to people of varying ages, backgrounds, and interests. Cold messaging targets a subset of the population more likely to understand and help the sender.

Steps on How to Cold Email on LinkedIn

Learning how to send a LinkedIn “cold message” that gets a response is a skill that you can learn and refine through practice.

These tips are by no means comprehensive, but they help get your started. Precisely, you should:

Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

1. Never Apologize for Sending a Mail

When reaching out to a new contact via LinkedIn or email, one of the most common blunders is to apologize right off the bat.

Use assurance in your opening and closing statements of the follow-up email, and go right into a discussion of the topic when cold emailing. Using this method, you may rapidly and effectively attract the attention of your intended audience.

2. Hone in Your Message and Stick to It

Keep the communication open and honest from the get-go when sending out cold LinkedIn messages. Avoid extra or rambling passages in your cold email to increase response rates and business interest.

When making the first contact on LinkedIn, a standard error is asking for too much information. Rather than asking for multiple things at once, refrain from doing that. The recipient may become confused and give up if you ask for too much at once.

3. Don’t Write a Novel

Even for a business connection, no one likes reading a long, winded message from an unknown sender. Your reader will read your messages and retain their meaning if you keep them brief.

The maximum word count for outreach messages is 100, with the optimal range being 50-75 words. You can use personalized pictures to send quick notes.

4. Edit Every Message Sample to Fit Your Need

Remember that only some in your intended demographic work in the same field. Sending out generic “cold” messages is a bad idea. To get a response from people you’re trying to network with, send slightly modified and personalized cold message templates.

5. Do Not Attach Anything to Your Text

When sending out a cold message or a message through LinkedIn, one thing you should never do is to include anything that isn’t necessary.

Follow-up outreach messages should include text and a single image of your items. Links and files would make the note longer and harder to understand.

Ensure the essential information is at the top to get your LinkedIn message read. People lose interest in the text and the communication as a whole if there are too many links, attachments, pdf or doc files, etc.

6. Find a Mutual Connection

On LinkedIn, having mutual contacts is a simple way to expand your network. If you have a mutual connection with the person you’re messaging, ask them to introduce you formally.

One alternative is to begin by bringing up the two people’s shared relationship. Additionally, you can try to find some common ground with the recipient before composing a message to them.

You can establish common ground with someone through their employer, industry, firm name, a shared link, or other reasons. As a bonus, it raises the probability of a reply.


Knowing how to cold email on LinkedIn can help you develop your business’s social presence and generate more leads.

If you’re willing to put in the time, cold emails can boost your LinkedIn email strategy. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to hot inboxes, likes, and follows in no time.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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