An Essential Guide: Keyword Research for Amazon Affiliate

Your keyword research for Amazon affiliate marketing determines how high you fly. If you get this incorrectly, your sales will tank. You need to find your golden keywords to make a killing as an Amazon Affiliate.

Finding the right affiliate marketing keywords accounts for 80-90% of the work in this business model, while everything else takes 10-20%. That’s why conducting thorough keyword research is crucial if you want your Amazon affiliate business to thrive. 

What Is Amazon Affiliate, and How Does It Work?

 Amazon Affiliates is an online program designed to enable website owners and bloggers to earn commission by referring customers to Amazon’s products. This affiliate marketing tool lets you link to any Amazon product page or modify links to promote certain products or categories.

By strategically inserting these unique URL links in your blog posts, visitors who click through will be tracked back to your account. This means that when they purchase something from Amazon after clicking on your link, you receive a percentage of the sale as a commission. 

The commissions vary according to the types of products sold, so it pays to research each item carefully before promoting them. It’s a great way to monetize your online presence and take advantage of Amazon’s vast customer base!

Why Is Keyword Research for Amazon Affiliate Necessary?

Keyword research for Amazon Affiliate is necessary to ensure that you target the right customers and optimize your content accordingly. This can help increase organic traffic, boost conversions, and maximize profits from commissions earned by linking to related products. 

It also helps affiliate marketers uncover current topics and words to use in their marketing efforts by revealing what potential purchasers are searching for. By understanding the language and terms customers use on Amazon, affiliates can create relevant content that will drive clicks and sales. 

Ultimately, keyword research allows affiliates to gain an edge over competitors and achieve better results with their Amazon affiliate programs.

What is an Ideal Keyword?

Although there are numerous definitions of a “golden keyword,” the following characteristics illustrate what one is:

  • A search term that can be reasonably expected to yield positive results in organic SEO campaigns 
  • Keywords that have the potential to generate great monthly traffic.
  • A high-intent search term that brings in customers ready to make a purchase.
  • An ever green term that guarantees steady clicks.

There will be different opinions on what constitutes a “golden keyword.” However, these are the basics to remember as you brainstorm potential terms to use in your Amazon Affiliate marketing.

How to Conduct a Proper Keyword Research for Amazon Affiliate

Now that you have a fundamental grasp of how the Amazon Affiliate program works let’s discuss the mechanics of conducting keyword research. Here are the steps for keyword research:

Keyword research for amazon affiliate
Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash

1. Gather Seed Keywords Together

From your seed keywords, generate additional, more specific keyword strings that are more likely to elicit a purchase.

Find out if your keyword choices are realistic and whether or not your pages can rank for them. The site directory on Amazon is a great place to start when thinking of seed keywords.

  • Determine your specific market niche and any submarkets inside it. 
  • Examine the product from your target market’s perspective to determine its potential appeal.
  • Consider the product’s star rating, the total number of reviews, and your gut instinct (among other things).
  • If customers have been buying the goods and are satisfied with it, you will find evidence of this in the figures.

The more you know about your customer, the better your mental and emotional compass will be when trying to “predict” their interest.

2. Research Longer Keyword Phrases

Create long keyword phrases based on your seed keywords. Use Google Trends to determine if long-tail keywords are trending upwards in seasonality and relevancy compared to your seed keywords.

Longer keyword strings that convey a clear intent to purchase should be developed in place of your seed keyword. By targeting long-tail keywords,

  •  You can improve your site’s search engine rankings.
  • More qualified visitors who are more likely to convert will visit your site.

3. Check the Viability of the Keywords

Check the viability of the keywords to see whether you can rank for them. Free options for keyword research include Google’s Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest tools.

If you don’t know how to use it properly, try searching for the process on YouTube. Utilize these no-cost resources to determine KGR quickly. Using this method, you can select worthwhile key terms for your blog.

If your final score is under 0.25 after following this method, you should have no trouble using that keyword in your work. Keywords between the range of 0.25 and 0.45 are compatible with this technique. 

Wrapping Up

Keyword research for Amazon affiliate is a key tool of trade because it gives an edge in terms of being ahead of the competition. As long as you research, Amazon affiliate marketing can be highly lucrative for anyone seeking to generate income via affiliate marketing.

Co-Founder of INK, Alexander crafts magical tools for web marketing. SEO and AI expert. He is a smart creative, a builder of amazing things. He loves to study “how” and “why” humans and AI make decisions.

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