A Guide to Email Sequencing to Boost Sales

Easing prospects into the sales funnel with a nurturing email sequence can help skyrocket your sales.

An email sequence for sales funnels can effectively convert prospects into customers. If you’re new to this approach, don’t worry. This guide will lay out everything you need to understand email sequencing and how you can use it to build and grow your business.

Each of your emails will need to be well-crafted and relevant to the individual recipient. And each subsequent email should build on the prior email to build trust and strengthen your relationship.

An effective email sequencing strategy is the perfect way to nurture prospects and boost sales.

What Is an Email Funnel?

An email funnel is a series of emails guiding someone through becoming a customer or taking the desired action.

For example, the first email in the sequence might be aimed at building rapport with the prospect. And the subsequent emails might aim to increase trust and authority before finally making a sales pitch.

Another great example is if you’re an author, a potential customer might:

  • Go to your landing page.
  • Get a free e-book by signing up for our newsletter.
  • Receive a welcome email explaining who you are and what you do.
  • Receive emails promoting your novel.
  • Click on the link in your sales email to buy it.

As soon as you have people signed up for your email list, each newsletter is a gentle nudge toward taking action. But remember, it doesn’t stop after the user clicks ‘Buy’.

You should send follow-up emails after the purchase to nurture a relationship, upsell other products, and build a loyal following.

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Parts of the Email Sequence for Sales Funnels

To better understand the email sequence, it’s helpful to look at the main parts of the funnel. We’ve divided it into three parts: the Top, Middle, and Bottom of the funnel. Each of these parts comprises different steps that work together to get you the desired result.

Top of the Funnel

The top of your funnel is where people are first introduced to your brand. This is usually done through cold emails, welcome emails, and so on.

  • Awareness: Don’t be shy to introduce yourself! You can say hello to people and present your brand through welcome emails.
  • Consideration: Help deepen the prospect’s understanding of your brand by sharing your story, your values, and what you’re selling. A great way to do this is through newsletters.

Middle of the Funnel

At this point, people are now aware of who you are. They are (hopefully) excited enough to take action and continue working with you.

  • Conversion: This is when you push for them to take action. You can perhaps give them incentives like email coupons or exclusive discounts on their first purchase.
  • Loyalty: Keep your customers returning for more after making a purchase. Retaining a current customer is easier than constantly trying to find new ones. Great ways to maintain customer loyalty include VIP emails, a reward point system, and so on.

Bottom of the Funnel

At the bottom of the funnel, people are already familiar with your brand. And they’re ready to spread the love and share it with their networks.

  • Advocacy: The feeling of connection with your brand makes people share reviews on social media. And you can do this by continuing to connect with them through affiliate partner programs.

How You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Funnel

If your email funnel fails to deliver results, here are some steps you can take. These will help you optimize your email marketing funnel.

Keep Your Business Goals in Mind

Your business goals should guide all of what you do in your business. Make sure you have an email funnel designed to lead your prospects and customers to buy. Reevaluate your email funnel for your brand’s goals and make necessary changes as you go.

Customize Your Funnel

Templates for email marketing funnels are not bad in themselves, but you want to ensure it represents your business’s customer journey. If it doesn’t apply, you’ll have to make it yours by adding missing stages or removing those not applicable to your business.

Always Choose Quality Over Quantity

You don’t want to bombard your leads with a barrage of emails. This may irritate them and lead to them unsubscribing from your newsletter.

Two quality emails per week can reap better results than five emails every week. Ensure you provide them with valuable content every time. This will help you retain their interest in your brand and keep them on their journey.

Measure Your Email Metrics

Keeping track of your email metrics is important. It will help you make adjustments to your email sequence and continue to optimize your sales funnels. Because how do you know if your email marketing funnel is performing well if you can’t measure your results?

Some of the things you can measure are your subscribers, click-through rates, and open rates. With clear and measurable goals for email marketing, you can easily tell if you have a successful email funnel.


An email sequence for sales funnels aims to guide people down a sales path. They ultimately make the potential customer feel compelled to purchase your product or service.

You know your audience best, and by tailoring your email sequence based on their intent, you can ensure your message is targeted. And you can help make their journey down your sales funnel much more optimized.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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