Try These Smart Post-Interview Follow-up Questions

Post interview follow up questions are a way to keep the lines of communication open between you and the company after the interview. They are also a way to keep the conversation going, making it more likely that the company will want to consider you.

More importantly, they are a way to determine whether your interview went well, from their perspective. Having a professional and systematic approach to the follow-up process increases the likelihood that the company will want to hire you.

The Importance of Post Interview Questions

Post interview questions are importance because they give applicants a way to elicit key information about the role. Moreover, they provide a value-added opportunity for applicants to showcase their skills and demonstrate interest.

This can also give a hiring manager a better sense of an applicant, and whether they’re a good fit.

It also allows applicants to get feedback on their interview. This is crucial regardless of whether they land the job. It gives them a point of reference they can use to improve their interview skills. In the long run, this means they’ll be better prepared for future interviews, thus increasing their chances of getting hired.

You should also note that not all questions are equally effective. Applicants must take a degree of care when asking these questions.

Here are a few tips for asking post interview questions:

  • Address the recipient by their first name.
  • Always thank them for their time and effort.
  • Restate your interest in the company and role.
  • Mention your interview date, job title, and job details.
  • Ask directly about the status of your application.
  • Offer additional information as needed.
  • End the email with a thank-you and express gratitude for the opportunity.
  • Proofread your email.
  • Keep a positive tone and outlook.

Now that you understand how to write a proper follow-up email, it’s time to move on to the questions. Remember that not all post interview follow up questions are good.

There’s a risk that you could end up sounding too assertive and even disrespectful. Again, you need to craft your email carefully. Here are some questions you can use to elicit a reply without giving off a bad impression.

gray laptop computer
Photo by Maranda Vandergriff on Unsplash

Good Post Interview Follow Up Questions

What are the next steps?

The first thing most applicants want to know is where they stand in the hiring process. The wait can get excruciating, but that shouldn’t be a reason to overstep your bounds. Asking your hiring manager for the next steps paints yourself as someone helpful. It shows your enthusiasm and gives the impression that you’re on the team’s side.

Avoid being blunt. Don’t ask questions like “when will I get hired?” or “when can I expect a verdict?” These questions come off as demanding and could hurt your impression. Overconfidence is something you don’t want to portray during the hiring process.

Can you explain X aspect of the job again?

Asking about a job detail doesn’t mean you weren’t paying attention to the interview. Make sure you write your question as someone asking for clarification rather than someone concerned over a detail.

Instead of asking “what did you mean by asking if I was fine with traveling?”, you can ask about specific details.

For example:

  • How frequently would I travel?
  • How far would I be traveling?

Are there any clarifications I can help you with?

There’s a chance your interviewer may have glossed over a detail of your application, and it could be hindering the hiring process. This question shows them your willingness to help them with the hiring decision by answering questions. You can use this question to end your email.

For example:

  • Please let me know if there are things I can clear up for you.

In Summary

Post interview follow up questions are crucial to emails because they specify the information you want to elicit. They’re also a way to show continued interest in a job post.

Applicants can also use them to create a good impression. Remember these simple tips and you should be fine. Make sure to avoid asking questions that assume that you’re getting hired. Keep things professional and positive. Good luck!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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