Solution Essay Outline: Definition, Elements and Format

Writing a solution essay outline can be a daunting task. You have to compile all its components, then develop your plan into a systematic, clear, and easily manageable form.

An outline for a solution essay should contain everything needed to articulate the essay, but students are usually unsure how to approach its complexity. Thus, their solution essays are always mediocre.

Learn everything there is to know about a solution essay outline as we discuss the finer points in great depth.

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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

What Is a Solution Essay?

A solution essay is a personal reflection on a real or hypothetical problem you’ve identified. It is often taken from the perspective of a particular group but written from a unique perspective.

Solution essays state the issue at hand, elaborate on its nature, and then suggest a remedy. An excellent solution essay must persuade the reader that the proposed solution is the best option. The essay achieves this by providing convincing evidence and reasoning.

Unlike argumentative and persuasive essays, this one doesn’t solely present evidence to support its claims. It is more akin to a cause-and-effect essay. This is because it identifies multiple sources of the problem and explores the ramifications of those sources.

Similarly, a problem-solution essay will outline the issue and its repercussions before proposing a resolution. As a writer, you must thoroughly research the problem and develop a workable solution.

Components of a Solution Essay Outline

The following characteristics or components define a problem-solution essay. Following these points will serve as elements as to how an outline should be composed.

1. Problem Statement

To properly propose a solution in an essay of this type, it is necessary first to discuss and clarify the problem. Write clearly and precisely about the issue so the reader can grasp its scope.

It’s common for readers to entirely miss the point because they have no idea what the author is referring to. The best way to prevent this is to write as if your readers are entirely unfamiliar with the topic.

2. Practical Answer

When the writer has finished explaining the issue at hand, they will then proceed to provide a remedy. It’s essential to pick a challenge that can be solved by feasible means. Neither too broad nor too narrow is desirable. Instead, zero in on a challenge you feel confident tackling and solving.

3. Solid and Persuasive Case

The primary argument should be compelling enough for the audience to accept the author’s proposed resolution. It also needs to make sense and be practical enough to use in the actual world. Furthermore, the author should include convincing data to show why their approach is superior to others and provides more benefits.

4. Discuss Objections

You can argue your point or offer a solution to the problem. It is your responsibility as a writer to be aware of the distinction between the two. 

Discuss the anticipated and possible objections to your problem solution essay to prepare your readers for them. This will show the reader that you have considered all of the options before coming up with your solution. Verify that these aspects are present in your essay before you submit a final draft.

Solution Essay Outline Format and Structure

Typically, the structure of this essay is identical to that of any other essay. It consists of paragraphs that state and discuss in depth the problem and solutions of an issue. The structure of a sample problem-solution essay is provided below.


  • Rephrase and include the essay’s key thesis.
  • List the issues that will be discussed in the essay.
  • Body Text Paragraphs

First Paragraph: Problem or Cause

Topic: Mention the subject matter or the primary cause.

Explanation: Describe the issue in depth.

Example: Provide an illustration to elucidate.

Second Paragraph: Resolution of the Initial Problem

Topic Sentence: Describe the solution to the initial issue.

Explanation: Detail your description of the solution.

Example: Provide an illustration to illustrate.


  • Briefly restate the thesis statement.
  • Restate the key elements.
  • Mention how the proposed solutions will aid in problem management.
  • Do not add any other thoughts.

Final Words

A solution essay outline is easy to write and can be completed in less than fifteen minutes if you follow the tips above. These tips and format make brainstorming easy and help you bootstrap the first draft

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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