Want to know why funny posts on social media just work? You should be aware of this if you’re trying to increase engagement on Facebook or Instagram (Instagram is great for funny posts, as well!)
Social media sites encourage interaction by rewarding it. Your friends are more likely to view and like your posts if they know that you have liked theirs. Your friends are more likely to see and respond to your comments if they enjoy reading them on their posts.
Without further ado, let us look at some funny Facebook posts, shall we?
Why Are Funny Posts Great for Businesses on Facebook?

Why are funny posts crucial on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and every other social media platform?
You heard from your parents that they used humor as a tool to set themselves apart from others. Humor helps to make awkward situations funny with jokes. People share jokes to make their friends smile because there are no social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Since advertising and marketing from social media is the new trend for many small businesses, being funny to stand out is crucial. Remember the Old Spice commercials?
People kept sharing them with their friends, and it doubled the sales overnight. At the end of the day, humor and sex sell. While the second one is a bit tricky to incorporate into your brand, humor is the go-to option to get the best engagement! It is acceptable for all age groups, and everyone loves humor, don’t you think?
We know the importance of funny Facebook posts and statuses. We are going to take a look at some examples.
Examples of Funny Facebook Posts and Statuses!
- Politicians and diapers both need to be changed on a regular basis.
- In our society, the pizza arrives at your door before the police.
- Carrying a clipboard allows you to go anywhere you, please.
- I printed something on my wireless printer, but I’m not sure which of my neighbors already has it.
- I might have my hair done by my pillow because I always have odd hair when I wake up.
- Because they don’t know how to spell congratulations, people write congratulations on my wall.
- Being on time has its drawbacks because nobody notices.
- Marriage is comparable to placing an order at a restaurant only to wish you had chosen the dish at the following table.
- Don’t argue with a stupid person. With their expertise, they defeat you.
- I’m only 18 years old, but I have 22 years of experience, so I’m not 40.
- I place a second plate on the sink when someone does the dishes.
- It’s effective to worry! 90% of my worries turn out to be unfounded.
- When doctors examined a boy’s brain, they discovered that nothing was right on the left side and nothing was left on the right side.
- Being kind to others isn’t deceitful; this is part of maturing.
- Browse Facebook rather than check your checkbook.
- The common sense I possess comes from your intelligence.
- I’m leaving Facebook so I can finish my book.
- Paul enjoys animals. Specifically, chicken that is sweet and sour.
- Don’t like me. I am not a Facebook status.
- Facebook users fall into two categories. The one that receives the most likes is a woman; the others are men.
- Tell me rather than in a Facebook status.
Funnier Facebook Posts and Statuses
- The fact that women don’t have wives is the real cause of their longer lifespans than men.
- Aim left if something isn’t right.
- Eyebrows speak louder than phrases.
- Eat well, exercise, and you’ll still die.
- Don’t share your reality with me because I live in fantasy.
- Keep your teeth while you can by smiling.
- Love may be blind, but neighbors aren’t, so avoid kissing behind a garden.
- Prior to getting married, friends are forever.
- Post a humorous Facebook status so that at least mosquitoes will like you.
- Before being apprehended, nothing is illegal.
- My preferred letter for Friday is F.
- I am able to express myself both physically and in English.
- Never steal. Government should handle that.
- Couldn’t your brakes be fixed? Your horns should be louder.
- Richer is better when it comes to men, coffee, and chocolate.
- Cheating is what teachers refer to. Teamwork is what pals call it.
- Good day! Now I’m using my brain.
- Currently busy but always free.
- Does running away from issues qualify as exercise?
- Make love, not war; do both, then get married right away.
- My alarm clock is envious because I love my bed.
- I get laughed at because I’m unique. They are identical, so I laugh.
- You can never be who I am because I am who I am!
- I’m not one to tease. I serve as a reminder of your limitations.
- You can’t choose your family, so choose a wife whose family is rich!
- Life is basically a to-do list that never ends, isn’t it?
- I am opening a new page in my life. In Facebook.
- Bad kids have the most funny Facebook statuses!
- Beer and wine are the only friends I have left. Oh wait, this was supposed to be a funny Facebook status, not a depressing one.
Need More Funny Facebook Statuses?
- I hate asking for help. Yes, I am still stuck here.
- Take the hint. If they are telling you, it’s a long story; it’s something about their life they don’t want to talk to you about!
- People on Facebook get more frequent updates then your actual friends in the real world!
- I’m on my way to have some drinks, anybody up for it?
- Home is where the Internet is.
- Anyone know a good bar around town? No, I am definitely not depressed want to talk about it.
- Not in a relationship anymore. How can I put this in a funny status?
- A happy guy has a full belly. A happy girl has a full wardrobe.
- So, no one is going to like my Facebook statuses, huh? Time to hit them with the big guns!
- When people told me I was hilarious, I thought I was cool at the moment. I didn’t know they were just laughing AT me!
Funny statuses and posts on Facebook get more likes from people and comments — it’s as simple as that. When your posts get more likes, Facebook shows it to even more people that don’t follow you. What does this mean? It means that your post was the best and you are about to get a lot more followers and likes for your Facebook page!
The likes system in Facebook has a snowballing effect, basically. As Facebook is getting more and more crucial for marketing, you can see how this will help you and your brand!
So go out there and make more funny statuses on Facebook to get those likes! In any case, if you liked our article on Facebook, make sure you share it with other people as well! We also have a page on Facebook, so you can start following us there as well!
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