Expert Guide: Advanced SEO Techniques

You know the fundamentals of SEO. But that’s not enough to outrank competitors–especially if they diligently optimize their website at an advanced level. You need to jack up your SEO game to command better results and drive organic growth. This requires learning advanced SEO techniques

If you are ready to climb up the ranking table and gain traction on your website, this post is for you. To get you started, here are the techniques to make your website a tough competitor.

Let’s dive in. 

10 Advanced SEO Techniques To Increase Your Business Revenue

At this point, it might seem as if SEO is a lost cause. The dynamic nature makes it difficult for business owners to keep up. Eventually, It leaves them in the dust– striving to comprehend each new change. 

Fortunately, there are still many advanced SEO techniques to help you rise above the surface and gain visibility with your website. We’ll share these techniques below. 

Just be sure you use these advanced tactics effectively, and your website will still gain prominence. 

1. Optimize Existing Content

If wishes were horses, every well-optimized content would rank immediately. The catch is: this rarely happens. It often takes time to rank on the internet. 

Although your SEO strategy might focus on writing high-quality content, there’s a chance you can hit the top spot on Google with existing content. This is easier and faster than optimizing a new page. 

How do you reoptimize existing content? That’s simple. You have access to metrics and analytics now; this will help you make the necessary tweaks. 

To improve existing content, you can rely on best practices like:

  • Checking performance data in Google Analytics. 
  • Studying keyword ranking and trends that affect primary keywords.
  • Checking click rates and conversion data on Google Search Console. 

When you analyze previous content, you may discover quick wins like changing your meta title, adding internal links, or technical SEOs elements. 

However, not all existing content is worth revamping. So, focus on pages that:

  • Have driven substantial traffic or recently slid down the rank table
  • Directly affect your company products and services
  • Are at least 5-8 months old.

Feel free to audit the pages thoroughly and detect any errors that might hurt your ranking.

2. Create Content Hubs

Content hubs are a smart way to keep readers hooked on your website. It enables you to capitalize on their quest for knowledge and get more points with Google. 

What is a content hub?

A content hub is a series of interlinked informative and valuable content. They are often organized into categories (e.g., On-page SEO and On-site SEO). 

And each category consists of: 

  • Pillar page: the main page optimized for a primary keyword (e.g., On-site SEO)
  • Clusters: Several related contents optimized for search intents related to the primary keyword. Clusters break the main topic into bits (e.g., Internal linking and keyword optimization are search intents related to On-site SEO).
  • Internal links: All the cluster pages are linked to the pillar page to create a hub.

The internal linking kills two birds with one stone. First, it improves your SEO score. And it also boosts dwell time on your website.

Here’s an illustration: If a reader wants to know about technical SEO. They read up on it and find a link to “how to boost site speed.” And finally, they end up reading content about “duplicate pages.” 

The list goes on– until they finally quell their curiosity. WIN. WIN. 

3. Target Internal Linking Opportunities

We’ll simply reiterate our previous claim. Internal linking is a gold mine waiting to be explored. For instance, if you have a page with several authoritative backlinks, you can redistribute that authority to other pages. In doing so, you can push visibility for other pages. 

Internal linking can be a powerful SEO tool for explosive organic growth when mastered. 

4. Build A Mobile-Friendly Website

Most internet searches come from mobile devices. In fact, Google operates a mobile-first technique in crawling and indexing. Do you need more reasons to make your website more responsive? 

How about this: many online transactions happen on mobile devices. 

You’ll need a developer to create a mobile-friendly or responsive website. That said, you can check your site’s mobile friendliness with tools like Google’s mobile-friendly Test tool. 

5. Optimize For Journalist Keyword

Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

We know it sounds strange, but this is an advanced SEO technique that works. As you may have guessed, Journalist keywords mean the words or phrases that represent a journalist’s search intent. 

And they are unbelievably effective. When you rank for journalist keywords, you set your site up for multiple backlink opportunities. 

A journalist hits google when they need to back up a fact. If your content pops up and turns out to be ingenious– they hit the link button. 

Did someone say: seamless backlinks? Yea, that’s right.

6. Unearth People Also Ask Questions

The people also ask section on Google seems to appear on most results. Optimizing for these questions is a SMART SEO move. 

But there’s a catch. 

You must keep exploring the accordion under each question to unveil other relevant questions. Answer The Public is an excellent alternative if you can’t go through such a hassle. 

Don’t worry; you’ll find similar questions there with half the stress. 

7. Fix Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword Cannibalization is when you have two pages on a website targeting the same search intent. This could confuse Google. It raises the question: which of these pages is your priority?

Keyword cannibalization can affect your ranking and mess with your traffic. How do you know when you have duplicate pages on your site? 

  • Fluctuating ranking
  • Wrong URL showing on SERPs
  • Struggling to increase keyword ranking position. 

Luckily, resolving keyword cannibalization isn’t rocket science. But it sure is advanced SEO. 

You can fix this error in any of the following ways:

  • Canonical URLs
  • Delete cannibalized pages and 301 redirects 
  • Change the search intent for one of the pages
  • Utilize internal linking 
  • Consolidating the pages.

Regardless of how you fix it, ensure you tie all loose ends. 

8. Optimize For Featured Snippets

Gone are the days when a page could rank high and still capture the snippet spot on Google. Now, if you can snatch the snippet, that will be your only feature on Google’s first page. 

In SEO ranking, zero is better than one (the features’ snippet being zero). This means the snippet spot can boost your click-through rates and increase your traffic immensely. 

To optimize your content for Google snippet, you can:

  • Use HTML tags for clarity 
  • Make your paragraph concise (30-60 words)
  • Write scannable and succinct content 
  • Off the chart mobile-friendliness and user-friendliness
  • List points clearly or use bullet points

9. Use Original Images In Your Content

Images are growth fertilizers. 

But original images? They make a lot of difference. Inserting original images (instead of duplicate stock photos) makes a huge difference. 

Although tedious, taking time to create or employ a professional to create custom images is worth every effort. 

That’s one way to go about creating original images. Another less stressful way is the INK AI image generator. Regardless of what you need, just select a mode, and provide a description. You’ll have an original image in less than a minute. 

An advantage of authentic photos is that it spurs backlinks from other sources. 

10. Target Comparison Keywords

Comparison keywords are an underrated advanced SEO technique. They are keywords that compare related products. 

For instance: 

  • INK Vs. ChatGPT 
  • Android Vs. IPhone
  • Google Vs. Binge
  • Salesforce Vs. Infusionsoft

We hope you got the drift. 

These keywords are pretty valuable. For one, people with this search intent often intend to act on the information. And they are on an advanced level. 

For example, a user who searches AI writing tools is most likely uninitiated. But someone who searches INK vs. ChatGPT understands AI writing to a large extent. 


If you want to increase your SEO efforts and create more leads, you need to sharpen your skills. SEO is a competitive space. But with these advanced SEO techniques, you can push your ranking upward in the SERPs

SEO strategies vary depending on your niche and company. Nevertheless, these advanced SEO techniques can benefit anyone if they align with their business goals. 

Which of these techniques are you planning to explore? 

Co-Founder of INK, Alexander crafts magical tools for web marketing. SEO and AI expert. He is a smart creative, a builder of amazing things. He loves to study “how” and “why” humans and AI make decisions.

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