Effective Thank You Message to Try

If you want to show appreciation for someone’s professional help, a well-written thank-you message is the way to go. By taking the time to express your gratitude in a message, you can build goodwill. In addition, you can solidify the relationship by sending well-crafted thanks for the follow up message. Doing this shows that you value the time and effort invested in following up initially.

How to Compose a Professional Thanks for the Follow up Message

Writing your thanks for the follow up message isn’t quite different from other messages. But most importantly, you want to be professional in providing feedback and making sure that you deliver your message in a professional manner. 

Use a Professional Tone

When writing a professional thanks for the follow up message, it is important to use a professional tone. This means avoiding any informal or personal language. Stick to using formal language throughout the message. Sticking to a professional tone helps you stay on the safer side. You can, therefore, avoid sounding too casual and unprofessional.

Appreciate Them for the Initial Message

You should dedicate the first few sentences to thanking the recipient for the initial message. If you’re using the follow-up message as a last-ditch effort for a big move, make that clear. Your message should be divided into two sections. Appreciate the recipient in the first part and offer the appropriate response to the initial message in the second.

Keep It Short

Like any professional mail, you should keep your message short and straight to the point. This will make it easier for your recipient to read and not feel overwhelmed.

Examples of Thank You Messages You Can Use

If you need a few examples to inspire you, you’ll find some good ones below.

Thank You on wooden blocks
Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

Template 1

Hello [Name], 

Thank you for taking the time to follow up with me. I really appreciate it. Your email was very thorough and professional. I can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. I’m impressed. Thank you again, [Name]. I will keep you in mind for future opportunities.


[Your Name]

Template 2

Dear [Recipient],

Thank you for your follow-up email. It is always best to stay in touch with business contacts and clients, and I appreciate your taking the time to do so. Thank you again for your interest in our company, and I look forward to doing business with you in the future.


[Your Name]

Template 3


Dear X, 

Thank you for your follow-up email. It was great to hear from you. I appreciate the update on your business. I will surely let you know if I have any questions. Thanks again for staying in touch! 


[Your Name]

Template 4


Thank you so much for your follow-up email. It is always a great thing to hear back from those we have worked with in the past. Emails like these help to make our day a little brighter and remind us why we do what we do. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this message and for sharing your thoughts with us. We truly appreciate it!



Template 5

Hello [Name], 

Thank you for your follow-up email. I appreciate the extra information you included about the meet-and-greet event. It sounds like it will be a great opportunity to meet important people and learn more about the company. I’m looking forward to attending and getting to know everyone better. Thanks again for your help in making this happen!



Template 6

Hello [Name], 

Thank you for following up on our previous conversation. I appreciate your commitment to excellent customer service. As regards the case you asked about, I have already taken care of it, and everything is back to normal. Thank you for your quick response time. It is very much appreciated. 


[Your Name]

Template 7


 Thank you so much for your follow-up email. I truly appreciate the extra effort you put into ensuring that I had a great experience with your content. It was very insightful, and I learned a lot from it. I also want to thank you for making it available for free.

I know that it must have taken a lot of effort and time to create, and I am very grateful for your generosity. Once again, thank you so much for your help. It is greatly appreciated. 


[Your Name]


It is always a good idea to thank someone for their professional correspondence. By sending a follow-up message, you are showing that you value their time and effort. In turn, this can help build goodwill and strengthen your relationships with clients, customers, and colleagues.

Whenever you need to write official emails like the ones above, you can get them done in seconds. With Hey INK, all your emails can be written quickly with only a few instructions.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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