Better Guide: How to Write a Funny Valedictorian Speech

Writing a funny valedictorian speech can be both challenging and rewarding. For those who have the knowledge, experience, and wit to pull it off successfully, the rewards are substantial. With the right guidance and techniques, anyone can learn how to write a funny valedictorian speech that will leave the audience laughing and inspired.

This article explores how to make your speech stand out by injecting humor and levity into the mix. But it still maintains a level of professionalism and respect for your audience. To leave the audience smiling as they hear your speech, read on – we’ve got tips and examples to help you do just that!

How to Write a Funny Valedictorian Speech

To inject humor into your graduation speech, follow the tips below and write a speech that enlivens the environment and makes the crowd smile.

Begin With a Lighthearted Quote or Anecdote

To break the ice and get everyone laughing, consider beginning your speech by sharing an amusing quote. You could also share a story related to high school or life in general.

Use Humor That’s Appropriate for All Ages

When incorporating humor into your valedictorian speech, ensure it is age-appropriate and won’t offend any graduates or their families.

Share Humorous Memories

Graduation is a time of nostalgia, so include some funny recollections from high school that everyone can relate to and appreciate.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Self-Deprecating Humor

As long as it’s done tastefully, self-deprecating jokes about yourself can add levity to your speech. It helps you connect with the audience on a more personal level.

Keep Language Concise yet Descriptive

Choose simple words when possible but don’t sacrifice creativity for brevity. Your grads want to hear something unique and memorable, not a dull and lifeless string of clichés.

Make Eye Contact With the Crowd

Regular eye contact will show the audience you are confident in what you are saying. It conveys that you’re comfortable interacting with them – even if they are not responding with laughter!

Vary Your Speaking Cadence and Pitch

Changing up your cadence will keep the audience engaged and interested throughout your speech, while inflection and pauses can emphasize key points.

Wrap Things up on an Optimistic Note

End your speech with a sincere note about looking forward to the future and wishing each graduate success in whatever comes next.

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

Examples of Funny Graduation Speech

Here are some examples of funny graduation speeches to help you craft an engaging one for your own:

Graduation Speech Example 1:

I know we’re all feeling rather nostalgic about this momentous occasion. After four years of classroom shenanigans, rigorous exams, and late nights spent procrastinating on homework—we are finally here! Graduation day has arrived.

As a kid, I always imagined the kind of valedictorian speech that would be delivered today—a harangue, perhaps? An ode to our dear teachers and beloved alma mater? Well, let me tell you something—the reality is much more grandiose than any of us could have ever imagined! This graduating class deserves not just the best possible congratulations but an homage of the highest order.

We have worked hard, grown together, learned from one another, and ultimately come out as some of the greats. You see, folks, graduations don’t come around too often, so make sure you soak it up every single second you can get. Live life like no other and appreciate every second of your journey, as it is fleeting but also monumental in its own special way. Don’t forget who you were before graduation because you will need those memories for fuel during moments of challenge and adversity in life. It’s time to part ways and go off into the world with the same courage and spirit that brought us here to begin with. Congratulations, Class of 2022!

Graduation Speech Example 2:

Good morning everyone! Today, on this incredible day of graduation, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation for each and every one of you. As your valedictorian, it’s an honor to address our class before we move on to the next chapters in our lives.

I remember when we first met four years ago; so many uncertain, awkward faces. But here we are now – a group of talented, determined kids ready to take over the world with great confidence. We’ve grown and changed together – making mistakes, learning from them, and coming out stronger than ever. We were always there to support each other, even through tough times. And look at us now – graduating as some of the best students in our school district!

I’d also like to thank our teachers who went above and beyond to ensure we had the highest quality education possible. Each and every teacher helped shape our knowledge and taught us invaluable life lessons that will serve us well in the future. Without their dedication and passion for teaching, none of us would be where we are today. Congratulations to the entire Class of 2021! Here’s to our bright futures ahead.

Graduation Speech Example 3:

Greetings, Class of 2021! As we come to the end of this exciting and challenging journey, I’d like to thank each and every one of you. Thank you for your enthusiasm in making our graduating class one of the greatest and most successful classes ever.

I remember when we first arrived here as a bunch of ragtag kids. We were trying to figure out how to make it through high school with all its trials and tribulations. But look at us now! We have flourished over these past four years by consistently pushing ourselves and our peers outside our comfort zones. We proved that there is always room for growth and improvement.

This graduation ceremony marks an amazing milestone. After today, we can go forth into the world feeling like educated global citizens capable of tackling any challenge or adventure. The skills we have honed here have prepared us well for whatever future lies ahead. And let’s not forget those numerous shenanigans (I’m looking at you, Tom!) that gave us some of our best memories along the way.

It has been my honor to lead this remarkable group of students. Now, it is time for each of us to take what we’ve learned and build something even greater than before. Go, be the best version of yourself that you can be. Do great things, learn new things, travel to places you haven’t seen yet, and never stop striving for excellence!

I’m wishing you nothing but the best on your graduation day and beyond. Congratulations again, Class of 2022!


We hope this guide will help you feel more confident and at ease when writing your valedictorian speech. Now go out there and conquer the world with your fun speech skills!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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