How to Write Free Positive Speech Criticism

Speech criticism papers can be a great way to express your opinion about a speech you heard. They are also helpful in analyzing how the speaker communicated their message and what techniques they used to do so.

Writing a speech criticism paper requires good research, critical thinking skills, and an eye for detail. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps on how to write a speech criticism paper that stands out from the rest.

What Is a Speech Criticism Paper?

A speech criticism paper is an evaluation of a given speech. It typically involves critically analyzing the speaker’s delivery, content, and message. This is to assess how effective they were at communicating their ideas.

Speech criticism papers are used as a course assignment or for public speaking competitions.

Structure of a Speech Criticism Paper

When writing a speech criticism paper, it’s essential to structure your essay correctly. You should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. 

  • In the introduction, provide an overview of the speech. Include background information about the speaker, their topic, and why it matters. This will set up your audience for the rest of your paper. 
  • The body of your paper should focus on analyzing specific points in the speech. For example, you could study how well the speaker used their voice to emphasize particular points. Check how effectively they used humor to engage their audience. Provide evidence from the speech and references from outside sources to support your claims. 
  • Finally, wrap up with a conclusion. Here, you can summarize the main points of your paper and make a final assessment of how successful the speech was. 

Steps on How to Write a Speech Criticism Paper

Step 1: Choose Your Speech

The first step on how to write a speech criticism paper is selecting which one you want to write about. You should choose a speech that you find exciting and has enough content to provide sufficient material for your paper. 

Step 2: Research the Speaker and Topic

Once you have decided on a speech, it is important to research both the speaker and the topic.

You should learn about the speaker’s background, experience in public speaking, and any relevant context for their speech. It is also essential to understand more about the topic of their speech before writing your critique.

Step 3: Listen Carefully

The next step is to listen to the speech itself carefully. As you hear, take notes on key points and arguments that you think are important or noteworthy. This will help you when it comes time to write your paper, as you can refer to these notes.

Additionally, notice how the speaker used specific techniques such as body language or vocal inflection while delivering their message.

Step 4: Analyze the Speech

Now it is time to begin analyzing the speech. Consider how effective their delivery was in terms of tone, language, and use of evidence. Think about what techniques they used that were effective and which were not. 

Step 5: Outline Your Critique

Once you have finished your analysis, it’s time to start writing your critique.

Start by outlining the main points you want to make in your paper. This will help you stay focused as you write so that each energy flows logically into the next. 

Step 6: Write Your Critique

Now it is time to start writing your critique! Make sure to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, explain the general purpose of your critique and provide an overview of what was discussed in the speech.

In each body paragraph, focus on a specific point you want to make about the speech. Conclude your paper by summarizing your key points and providing recommendations for improving the speaker’s overall delivery. 

Step 7: Edit Your Paper

Before submitting your paper, it is essential to edit it carefully. Go through each sentence and make sure it flows logically with other sentences.

Check for spelling or grammar mistakes and any factual errors that may have been made throughout the writing process. Correcting these issues can help ensure your critique stands out from others! 

Example of a Speech Criticism Paper

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Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Sample Speech Critique: Barack Obama’s Address on the Fishermen of New England

This paper will examine Barack Obama’s speech addressed to the fishermen of New England in October 2016. The purpose of this critique is to evaluate how effectively his speech conveyed his message and engaged the audience. 

In terms of delivery, Obama did a good job speaking in a clear voice. This was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear him. He used pauses effectively to emphasize specific points, giving them a more significant impact. Additionally, he established an emotional connection with his audience by recognizing their struggles and making eye contact while delivering his speech. 

Obama did a great job utilizing evidence to support his points. He provided specific statistics on the impact of climate change on New England fishermen. He also cited examples of how they had been affected by recent regulations. His use of concrete evidence was both convincing and exciting to listen to. 

Overall, Barack Obama’s speech successfully engages his audience and conveys his message effectively. In particular, his use of evidence and emotional connection were crucial elements that made his speech stand out from others. In the future, he could consider using more rhetorical devices such as metaphors or analogies. This is to engage the audience further and drive home his main points. 


Writing a speech criticism paper can be a great way to express your opinion about a given speech or public speaking event. It involves researching both the speaker and topic, carefully listening to the address, and analyzing how effective the delivery was.

The critical points of this blog post are as follows: choose a speech, research both the speaker and subject matter. Try to listen carefully and analyze the address.

Also, create an outline for your critique, write your paper, edit it for errors and submit! By following these steps, you can make a compelling critique that stands out from others. 

Good luck with writing your next speech criticism paper! 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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