Easy Steps to Boost LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn is a great platform for businesses, corporations, and individuals to network with professionals. There are many users on LinkedIn, and your posts could easily get lost in the shuffle. If you want your posts to be seen, you must find a way to get them to stand out. To help you with that, we’ve listed some steps on how to boost in LinkedIn that you can follow.

Follow this article’s steps to boost your LinkedIn posts and reach a wider audience. Also, get to know some other ways how you can attract more attention to your posts and see which will work best for you.

A person scrolling through a website using his iPad.
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

How to Boost in LinkedIn

Take note that you need the right permissions before boosting your post. You must be at least a “content admin” on your company page.

1. Select a post to boost

When selecting which post to boost, it’s best to pick the one with the most engagements. Choose only content that can be boosted. These include:

  • Single-image ad
  • Video
  • Event

2. Select an objective

Do you want more likes on a post? Or do you want more views on a video? Whatever you want to achieve in boosting your post, make sure to select your objective. This will help LinkedIn vary its approach to boosting your post.

The objectives you can choose from are:

  • Awareness
  • Video views
  • Engagement
  • Website visits

3. Select your audience

You can target specific audiences depending on their job function, industry, location, and seniority. Make sure not to limit your audience too much. While you may want to target senior executives specifically, it is important to draw in a wider audience.

4. Set your budget and schedule

LinkedIn requires a minimum budget of $10 daily, regardless of ad format. It is best if you Budget more than $25 per day. Vary your budget depending on the goal of your post.

5. Select your payment

Enter your information or select your existing account if you have a credit card. Using a credit card will automatically create a Campaign Manager account for you.

6. Measure performance

Click on “manage ads” under the ellipsis in the original boosted post to access Campaign Manager. You can also expand the window below the post to view both organic and promoted metrics.

Other Ways to Make LinkedIn Posts Stand Out

Post Consistently Good Content

Make it a point to post an update every day on LinkedIn. You don’t have to post several times a day; once will be enough. Posting more than that might overwhelm your audience.

And while posting everyday content might seem challenging, you can always look to content creation tools to help you out. Try using the INK LinkedIn Text Ads Creator or the INK LinkedIn Product Showcase Generator. These can help you shell out valuable and interesting daily posts.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when making your posts:

  • Try to keep your link title less than 70 characters.
  • Link descriptions should have a minimum of 250 characters.
  • Use the meta description as the default link description when inserting links from your website.

Promote your LinkedIn Profile

What’s the point of posting good content if nobody’s going to see it, right? Make sure that you take the time and exert extra effort to get the word out about your LinkedIn profile or Page.

Leverage your reach on other social media platforms to invite people to follow you on LinkedIn. Also, f