An Easy Guide to Announcing New Websites

Websites are important to every brand’s image because they serve as the public face of the business. That means that every time you introduce a new website, you’re also introducing a fresh identity for your company. Knowing how to introduce a new website is crucial for the success of any project.

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

This article will explain the importance of a good website launch announcement and give you some helpful tips. 

Let’s begin with the raison d’être.

The Importance of a Proper Website Introduction

Much like product launches, website launches need a boost in the public interest to carry them through their first few months. It’s a way to start a trend and generate brand awareness, increase website traffic, and improve engagement. 

As mentioned earlier, your website is the online representation of your brand and company. A new website is no less than a new company identity because it marks a shift. New websites are useful for a lot of things.

They are vital to rebranding and brand positioning. They’re also a way to leave a memorable impression and a means of launching new product lines

Whichever your particular use case is, we can all agree that the importance of a proper website launch cannot be overlooked. It plays a significant part in your brand’s identity and market positioning. A failure to attract new and existing customers post-launch can undo much of your previous marketing efforts.

You don’t want to lose all the traffic your old website enjoyed because of a poorly-executed website announcement.

But, before you announce your new website, here are some things you need to set up.

A Coming Soon Landing Page

A coming soon page is a great way to build your email list before your website’s launch. It’s also a way to give your visitors a sneak peek into what you’re building.

Building your email list allows you to notify your leads when your website goes live. You can also add a countdown timer to your coming soon website, as well as a contact form that collects prospect information.

Create New Content

Even without a website, you can still create new content to generate interest in your brand. Creating new content shows your audience that you’re still around and that you’re dedicated to your goals. 

You can guest post on other websites, post content on your social media pages, and many more. Your temporary lack of a website shouldn’t be a reason for your online presence to suffer.

Offer Subscriber Exclusives

Offering exclusives is a great way to grow your subscription list while also nurturing customer loyalty. It’s a fun way to generate interest leading up to your website launch because it gets people to trust and like you. Once they’re subscribed, they’ll be on your email list, and they’ll likely follow your social media pages. This will make it easier for your announcements to reach them once your website goes live.

How to Introduce a New Website

Now that you’ve set up things in the background, you’re ready to introduce your new website.

The first thing to understand with a website launch announcement is that it’s meant to build interest and excitement leading up to the launch. This means that it’s not a single instance, but rather, it is a series of sequential announcements meant to pique curiosity.

Use Social Media

Social media platforms are the most efficient way to announce your website. This is because these platforms tend to enjoy a massive user base. Everybody has at least one social media account, and many people use these platforms as their primary source of information and entertainment. 

You can start by building anticipation using cryptic messages. You can wait a few days to a week before making your first detailed announcement. 

For example, you can use vague messages like “something’s brewing.” or “X days before something new.” It gives your audience the impression that there’s something happening without spoiling the excitement.

Make Several Announcements

Once you’ve made your first detailed announcement, it’s always a good idea to make other subsequent announcements to maintain the hype. Your “new” announcement isn’t going to stay “new.” 

Moreover, there may be people who may have missed your first announcement. This necessitates the need for multiple announcements. They are a way to maintain excitement and interest, as well as to maximize the reach of your announcements.

You can also use these announcements as opportunities to show what you have on offer. You can generate interest in your new website by explaining its purpose or by sharing the reason behind the new website.

People are more likely to spend time on your website [on launch day] if they know the story behind it. You can tailor your message to outline all the new things to expect from your new website.

Not everyone likes change unless you’re able to explain its benefits. The same applies to products, websites, and policies. A simple story is often enough to get people interested in your new site.

Use Engaging Calls to Action

Do away with boring CTAs like “check out our new website!” Try to use better CTAs. Remember that you’re trying to build excitement, and you’re introducing your audience to something new.

Your words need to reflect this sense of excitement. You can try CTAs like:

  • We’ve just launched our shiny new website! Sign up here for blog posts, updates, and more!
  • Our new website makes shopping easy and fun. Click here to experience our new checkout feature!
  • Join the adventure with our exciting new toy catalog! 

These are only a few examples, but you should get the idea. Be as creative and engaging as you can, and make sure to state your CTA clearly.

The Bottom Line

Learning how to introduce a new website is a key aspect of any marketing campaign. With so many new websites launching constantly, it is imperative that industry professionals learn how to properly market and introduce their brands. 

It’s all about building excitement and interest so that all that potential traffic pours into your website on launch day. A successful website launch requires a lot of build-up to pull off. The initial boost can catapult your new website or page to new heights. It’s among the foundational marketing components that take time to master. 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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