When newspapers were the only way to get news, editors and writers had limited space to tell a story. With the internet, that’s no longer the case
Writers and journalists are always looking for good stories to publish on their websites, no matter how big or small they are. So, as an author, what does all this mean for you?
You’ve won if you can provide information about your book in a way that attracts journalist’s eye and appeals to readers. You’ve won the holy grail of publicity: free coverage.
Let’s find out what a book press release entails, how to craft it properly, and an excellent example to wrap it up. Let’s go!

What Is a Book Press Release?
Book press releases are intended to appear as book ads in a press group or news agency. However, book press releases are free and much longer than book ads.
A press release is essentially a public way to get the word out about a book. Bloggers and newspapers often use press releases to cover upcoming books or the publishing of a new book.
How to Craft a Good Press Release
A press release is a crucial tool for authors and publishers to better connect with journalists and propel their book’s success.
Use the press release on your book as an opportunity to highlight your expertise and knowledge about the book’s topic.
The press release should also demonstrate how the book will stand out from other works in the same field. Highlighting the opinions of best-selling authors in the market who have read the book is an excellent way to stand out.
To get the various media outlets to print, post, mention, or shout your press release, you must:
Follow professional formatting guidelines, Including all pertinent information Make it easy for the media outlet to use your release. Provide compelling information for their readers, followers, listeners, or viewers.
How to Properly Format Your Book’s Press Release
Typically, a press release consists of 300-500 words and, at most, one or two pages. Although news releases vary somewhat, they all contain the following elements:
1. Contact Details
Contact details should include your name, address, phone number, email address, and website. It should be properly aligned in the top left corner of the press release.
2. Release Date
You should write ‘FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE’ or ‘FOR RELEASE ON [Date]’ on the top right-hand corner.
3. Headline
The headline is the key to attracting readers to your press release. The most effective headlines are concise, engaging, and action-oriented.
Use identical techniques for your press release title as you would for a blog post. The headline should capture the reader’s attention and entice them to read further.
4. Proper Format of Municipality, State, & Date
Write the city and state in capital letters, with a dash preceding the date. It should appear as:
DOWNTOWN, DT, 20 May- Content
The first paragraph of the main body should contain the basic factual information about your book and a condensed version of your biography.
The second paragraph should summarize your book and include its key features, benefits, and other intriguing information.
End with a buy link or event specifics, including date, time, venue, price, and a link to additional information. Your paragraphs should range from two to three sentences in length.
Include a book review or comment from another author and links to other media such as images and videos to enhance the release.
5. Wrap It Up
If there is a second page, the end notation is indicated by – ###- or –more-.
Here is a book press release example:

To Wrap Up
A book press release is an effective way to attract media outlets and other potential buyers. It is a way to show off your book interestingly to journalists and news organizations.
Some news agencies will take almost anything as long as it’s in the proper format for a press release.
Do you want the world to know about a recently written book or a book about to be published? That’s what a book press release is all about.
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