When someone’s birthday was mentioned, you had to sincerely remember it. Then, before their big day, you would need to get them a card, handwrite a few words on it, and mail it.
Today’s technology practically takes care of everything for you. Facebook or your calendar app will alert you when someone’s birthday is approaching, and you can promptly send a quick birthday wish.
The birthday celebrant may easily thank everyone for their donations thanks to the same technology. Simply type “thanks for all the birthday wishes” and send the message via your preferred medium the day following your birthday.
That’s why you have to differentiate your message from hundreds of other people’s messages! Well, how are you going to do that, you might ask? Why, with humor, of course! Here you can find the best way to write funny thank you messages for birthdays!
Why Write Funny Thank You Messages for Birthdays?

Now you might be thinking to yourself:
- Why would I need a funny message? Can’t I just say “Happy Birthday” and be done with it?
Yes, you could do that, but why not put a little more effort into it? Here are some unique thank you’s in a range of styles, from sincere to silly. These words are perfect for sharing on Facebook, but they can be helpful anytime you want to thank a group for their thoughtful wishes.
In an age where everything is disposable, including friendships, putting an effort counts. That’s why you have to think deeply and write the funniest birthday message you can! Your friends will not only chuckle, but also appreciate it greatly!
Best Funny Thank You Messages for Birthdays
- I sincerely thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to send me good wishes. You should simply resume your nap right now.
- We thank your kind words and your thoughtfulness. They served as the top of the birthday cake I baked.
- I have never felt happier in my entire life. You guys sent over 500 updates to my Facebook account today. I give my thanks to your birthday wishes and your messages. I will close my budget immediately and open it up again next year.
- Well, I love you being an absolute nut. The thought of aging by a year made me chuckle.
- We thank your kind words and your thoughtfulness. I assumed you wouldn’t squander the chance to do something for nothing.
- To make you think of my birthday, I should thank Facebook.
- I must thank you for helping me realize how good a writer I am while composing this note of gratitude.
- Do you just want to wish someone a happy birthday? Right now, I can’t promise a party. However, a present might work.
- I thank your birthday wishes, buddy. However, there were grammatical errors. Even young children understand grammar better than you do.
- I was aware that you are the type of person who would jump at the chance to perform an act for nothing. I thank you for the kind words, my love. You have the greatest birthday wishes!
- Oh! Your wish hasn’t been copied, right? Did you take a copy from the collection you had last year? Ha! Ha! Greetings, buddy!
- I’m grateful that Facebook informed my friends of my birthday. Furthermore, I don’t have to write these messages by hand because of technology. You’re welcome for the birthday greetings.
More Funny Thank You Messages for Birthday
- I appreciate the birthday wishes, dear. I have never felt so loved and content. Oh, wait, you forgot my gift, right? I’m anticipating receiving it by tomorrow.
- I would like to thank for all the birthday wishes I received on my birthday. Those who didn’t have a birthday wish ready for me — I’m done with the rest of you.
- Thanks for all the birthday greetings, guys. You wouldn’t have needed a Facebook reminder to remember my birthday, would you?
- All of you appreciated the birthday greetings. I felt a little less depressed about getting older after hearing from you.
- Thanks for all the well birthday wishes I received yesterday as I turned a year older. You’re going to get your chance, those who rubbed it in.
- I would like to thank for all the well birthday wishes, even the ones that made fun of my advanced age.
- I’ll now post the required “thanks for the birthday wishes” status. However, in all seriousness, thank you!
- I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. Quite a bit, though not as much as a gift or money.
- Wow, thanks for all the birthday wishes! I didn’t realize there were so many Facebook notification readers!
- All these birthday wishes, but no birthday gifts. Thank you so much guys! It means a lot, trust me! Bless you!
- Well, thanks for all the birthday wishes friends — who would’ve definitely remembered it if Facebook didn’t warn them!
Thanks for checking out our funny thanks messages for birthdays! We hope you found something to make your friends and family chuckle. If you liked these messages, consider sharing the list with your friends and family. Who knows, you might just make their day!
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