Give your friends and family the gift of laughter by adding a bit of humor to your thank-you notes. Unlike business letters, thank you notes don’t have to be too formal. You can get creative with it and personalize it for your recipient. To help you make them laugh out loud, check out the funny thank you note ideas in this article!
Writing a funny note to express your appreciation doesn’t have to be complex. It’s all about staying creative and putting a personal touch on your note. With the right choice of words, your note is sure to leave your recipient delighted.

When Should You Send Thank You Notes?
There are many instances when thank you notes may be necessary. It is a common courtesy to write these notes when someone sends you something you appreciate. It could be a gift or an event invitation. You can also send thank you notes for favors or compliments you receive from others.
Thank you notes can be sent through different digital channels like texts and emails. But let’s face it, nothing beats a handwritten thank-you note in showing sincerity.
Funny Thank You Note Messages
No “thank you” note is complete without a funny sense of humor. If you want your recipient to laugh, these messages can do the trick. Try using these for your next thank you note!
For a Gift:
- How could you give me a birthday gift when you’re the only gift I need? But I loved the gift anyway. Thank you!
- It was kind of you to send me a present. Thank you for not giving me a lump of coal!
- I smiled the whole day yesterday because of the flowers you sent me. People thought I was crazy. Thanks for that!
- You’ve reminded me again that I’m another year older. Thank you for the yearly reminder!
- I felt an unusual sensation when I received your gift. If it is not indigestion, then it must be gratitude!
Hilarious Thank You Messages
- If you knew how amazing you are, you would have grown conceited. I’m just happy you’re not that bright!
- When God was handing out awesomeness, he gave you a big chunk of it, didn’t he? Because here I am again, thanking you for being so awesome.
- It must feel great being perpetually cool! Thank you for fulfilling the responsibility of being a COOL friend.
- Aren’t you thankful that I’m your friend? You should be. Because I’m thankful, I have an awesome friend like you too!
- If I gained a dollar every time I appreciated you, I would be a billionaire.
- You must be from a galaxy far away because you’re out of this world! Thank you for being such an amazing friend.
- You’re the only person who can bear my weirdness. I am grateful for your friendship!
- You deserve the moon and the stars. Don’t worry; NASA and I are working on it.
- You’re the pilot of my life. That must be why I’m always crashing!
- Have I told you that you’re the kindest person in the world? I probably have, but I’ll say it again anyway.
- Thanks for inviting me to the wedding. I hope you don’t regret it.
- To all my Facebook friends who always greet me on my birthday, thank you! And thanks for tolerating my silly posts!
- Good friends, greet you on your birthday. Best friends, post your silly photos. Thanks for being the latter!
One Sentence Messages
- You’re awesome. I’m grateful, end of the story.
- Your generosity is only exceeded by your nice looks.
- Thank you for polishing the diamond in the rough that is me.
- I’m grateful that I have you as a friend, even if you always eat my food.
- Thank you for making me spend a lot of money on these thank you cards.
- I didn’t know love until you bought me that PlayStation 4.
Funny Quotes
- A friend can get you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting next to you saying, “boy was that fun.”
- The road to success is always under construction.
- There were nine-tenths of the people created, so you would want to be with the other ten.
- Flying is like learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss it.
- When you enjoy remembering things more than doing them, you are getting old.
- Give your friends something cheap if you want them to remember you.
Wrapping Up
Who doesn’t love a funny thank you note? It’s a fun way to thank your friends and loved ones and let them know how you feel about their gift. So make your thank-you notes as funny as ever with the messages in this article. They’ll be sure to remember it for years to come.
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