Free Guide: Effective UK Press Release Writing

A UK press release involves a different approach from other press releases. A few subtle differences warrant a distinction, not just in terms of their target audience but also in their writing style. Feel free to look through this article for a UK press release template suitable to your needs.

But before this, we must fill you in on a few basic concepts.

What is a UK Press Release?

 A UK press release is a public statement issued by an organization to mass media to generate publicity and share information about their activities. It differs from standard press releases because it contains localized content relevant to a British audience.

This includes information about politics, culture, and other factors that would interest people living in the United Kingdom. In addition, UK press releases often contain quotes from local experts or industry leaders that offer insight into the topic being discussed.

The Significance of a Localized Press Release

The importance of a localized press release is similar to that of local SEO. The topics they cover are assumed to be more relevant to a local audience. Therefore, a localized press release exhibits a targeted approach that capitalizes on the topics relevant to a certain populace. 

A targeted approach creates a closer connection with your audience. It allows you to tailor your tone, style, and content based on cultural and political exposure. This makes it so that your press release is likelier to be relevant to the audience.

Understanding the nuances behind a localized press release will allow you to determine the best approach to address an audience. Moreover, it will allow you to tailor your press release to show up on “UK Only” press release filters.

How Does a UK Press Release Differ From US Press Releases?

The Parts of a UK Press Release


A headline is a title header that represents the bulk of the content. It is the first thing readers see, and it can influence whether they decide to invest their attention in the press release.

The headline should capture attention while summarizing the content of the release. Try using action words and interesting phrases to draw readers in. 


A summary contains the gist of your press release. It contains the most important information about your press release coverage. Summaries are important because they give readers a quick idea of the topic. In one sentence, your summary should tell the reader the main points you want to get across.

A short paragraph that outlines the details of the announcement. Use clear language and get straight to the point. 

Date and Location

The date and location show when and where the announcement was made. It’s a way for people to understand whether the news is still relevant. The Date and Location section must be accurate. 


This section provides more detail about the announcement. It includes all relevant information and must be as thorough as possible.

Focus on factual information but include some emotion to connect with your audience. Vary sentence structure, use colloquial language, and don’t be afraid to add uncommon words for extra interest. 

Boiler Plate

This is where you provide journalists with brief background information about the company or organization mentioned in the press release. It’s similar to an “about us” section of a website. 

Writing boilerplates is straightforward. You need only include the company-approved statement.

Closing Statement

A closing statement is the last part of a press release. It is an opportunity for writers to leave a lasting impression and provide a call to action that secures conversions. Closing statements are crucial to a press release because 

End with a strong call to action and remind readers why this topic matters. Give them a clear direction on the next steps to take should they want to act on your press release. Closing statements are extremely important because they directly impact your conversion rates.

What Are The Six Main Types of Press Releases?

white printer paper on black table
Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

General News Press Release

A general news press release informs the public about current events and activities taking place in an organization or institution. These releases often feature interviews with staff, provide insights into new initiatives or changes, and highlight successful accomplishments. In addition, this type of press release provides a great opportunity for organizations to showcase their expertise and commitment to the community. 

Launch Press Release

Companies use a launch release to announce the introduction of a product or service to their customers. It contains important information such as pricing, availability, specifications, and other pertinent details that make the launch exciting and noteworthy. It also usually includes quotes from key figures within the organization and may include visuals like images or videos. 

Event Press Release

An event press release is written to promote upcoming conferences, festivals, webinars, workshops, trade shows, or any other event related to the organization. It contains all relevant details such as date and location, event features, special guests, how to register, etc. 

It helps create awareness and build anticipation around the event, so attendees can learn more and engage with the organization. 

Product Press Release

This press release type introduces a new product or service to potential customers. In addition to covering basic information such as price and availability, it should contain other factors that make the product unique. For example, it should include special features, industry innovations, and customer testimonials. Photos and videos can help emphasize these points and enhance engagement with the audience. 

Staff and Employee Press Release

Staff and employee press releases are designed to raise public awareness of key personnel within an organization. They provide background information about individuals’ qualifications, experience, and contributions to demonstrate their value to the organization’s mission and goals. Additionally, companies can use these press releases to recognize hard work or celebrate notable achievements. 

Expert Opinion Press Release

Expert opinion press releases focus on featuring leading professionals in specific industries who have insight into certain topics or trends. This press release is to bring attention to thought-leadership pieces published by experts and capitalize on the author’s credibility by providing valuable knowledge.

Find Your UK Press Release Template Here

UK Press Release Template for an Event

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Ultimate Event is Coming! 

We are proud to announce the arrival of the most exhilarating event yet-a day that promises to bewilder and amaze! With activities designed to captivate, entertain, and perplex, this experience will truly elevate your expectations. Featuring an array of interactive stations and innovative attractions, you won’t want to miss a moment of this unforgettable escapade. 

From gregarious games and efflorescent exhibitions to scintillating shows and vendors, we guarantee you’ll find something for everyone here. We’ve even lined up some special surprise guests who will make your day even more amazing. So no matter what you choose to do, you can rest assured you’ll have the time of your life. 

Come join us on [DATE] from [TIME] at [LOCATION] for the ultimate getaway. Whether you’re looking for excitement or relaxation, entertainment or enlightenment, it’s all here. So don’t delay; book your ticket now and reserve your spot in history!

UK Press Release Template for a Product

[COMPANY] is proud to announce the launch of its latest product, [PRODUCT NAME]. This revolutionary new product offers users unprecedented convenience and quality. 

From experienced professionals to home cooks, everyone will love this one-of-a-kind product. It’s designed to make any cooking task easier, whether simple or complex. With its sleek design, intuitive interface, and advanced technology, it redefines what a kitchen tool can be. Plus, it’s built to last because of its unique construction and superior materials. 

Product Features:

  • Easy-to-use digital interface 
  • Precision temperature control 
  • Durable, high-quality materials 
  • Multifunctional cooking capabilities 
  • Energy-efficient design

Click here to learn more about [Product Name]

UK Press Release Template for General News

A groundbreaking innovation has recently been unveiled in the world of [x] – one that promises to revolutionize how we interact with our environment. 

[Name], a well-respected veteran in the industry, is leading the charge in this paradigm shift, showcasing their team’s craftsmanship and ingenuity prowess. With their ambitious vision and decades of combined experience, they have delivered a revolutionary product that will make waves in [x]. 

This revolutionary advancement integrates traditional wisdom and modern methods, combining elements of past practice with innovative approaches. What makes this particular invention special is its ability to deliver results without compromising quality or user convenience. In addition, it stands out from other offerings by incorporating unique features such as [x] into the design. 

Backed by robust tools and an intuitive user interface, this breakthrough creation sets a new standard for users everywhere. This cutting-edge technology ushers in a new era for everyone involved. It allows them to explore the full potential of their creativity and ideas. 

[Name] has truly created something extraordinary here; we eagerly anticipate what further breakthroughs await shortly!

In Summary

Press releases are a key marketing strategy to generate public interest in a product, event, or company. Their different types serve a purpose, and mastering how to write them can yield ROI-impacting results.

While writing effective press releases requires a lot of skill, there’s no harm in using a UK press release template. These aren’t meant to take work away from you but serve as a springboard for your ideas. Tweak them according to your needs. Good luck!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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