The best way to get prepared for those challenging interview questions is simple. You should find out what the most common questions you might be asked are. However, it is one thing to find questions.

You also need to know the best ways to answer these questions. This is why this article brings you 10 interview questions and answers that can help you ace any interview. It is really that simple.

So make sure you pay attention to the tips in this article.

Ten Interview Questions and Answers

In today’s competitive world, there are plenty of reasons to be nervous before a job interview. These include:

  • Not meeting all of the interviewer’s expectations
  • Confused about the expectations
  • Not meeting a particular qualification

The best way to calm these nerves is to prepare answers to the most common questions that will be asked. The article contains some of the most common interview questions for you to review.

Doing this increases your chance of making a favorable impression on your interviewer. Below are the top 10 interview questions and answers you might encounter.

Focused on girl in Blue dress

1. Tell Us About Yourself

For this question, you must be ready to talk about yourself. Talk about the specific qualities you possess that make you the ideal applicant for the job. It is important not to make the answer too personal. You can talk about your hobbies, passions, and interests, as well as your work history.

2. Why Do You Want the Job?

This question is a chance for you to show the interviewer what you know about the company and the job. Your answer should show how the job will help you grow your skills, prepare you for the next career, and give you more experience.

3. What Makes You the Best Candidate for the Job?

Finally, you can state your case and show them why you’re the best fit for the job. Your response should be a sales pitch of sorts where you market your skills and explain what you have to offer. It is important to be confident when answering this question.

4. Why Did You Leave Your Previous Job?

This question can be a bit tricky, especially if you didn’t leave your old job under good circumstances. Nevertheless, you can still provide an answer. You can explain that you had a great time at your previous company and felt it was time to take the next step.

5. How Has Your Previous Experience Prepared You for This Job?

This question basically wants you to talk about your experience in previous roles. It is important to tie the experience to the new role you seek in the company.

6. Can You Work Well Under Pressure

For this question, you have to explain how you handle pressure to the interviewer. The interviewer typically wants to know if you have a coping mechanism for work-related stress and pressure.

7. What Do You Consider Your Biggest Strength?

This tricky question can mislead you into saying irrelevant things. Ideally, you should discuss the attributes that qualify you for that specific job. Make sure that attribute is one that will set you apart from others.

To make it more convincing, you can tell a short story. The story should show how you helped your previous employers with your biggest strength.

8. What Do You Consider Your Biggest Weakness?

You can almost always expect this question to follow the preceding one. Weakness connotes negativity. Thus, you must find a way to frame your so-called weakness in a way that looks positive.

9. What Are Your Future Aspirations?

The hiring manager wants to know if you will stick around or move on as soon as there’s a better opportunity. It is best to focus on the company and how your long-term goal is to remain with them for a while.

10. What Is Your Salary Expectation?

The best way to answer this question is by doing prior research. You shouldn’t sell yourself short or price yourself too high. Your research will give you the clarity needed to state your salary expectations.


There’s no better moment than now to learn how to answer these varied interview questions.

Most of the time, an interview is going to quickly turn into a discussion of your accomplishments. If you can confidently tell your interviewer about these accomplishments and experiences, you stand a better chance of getting hired.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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